3 Million Mile Car

857 oil changes, 30 drive belts, 150 points and spark plugs and 120 litres of transmission fluid later a 1966 Volvo is still running, well 1966 is a very good year after all. This isn’t the impressive part however the most impressing feature is that the car, originally bought for $4,150 (£2,650) is close to achieving the 3 million mile mark! The owner, 72 year old Mr. Gordon, a frequent traveller averagaing around 85,000-100,000 miles a year is just 6,000 miles short of the 3 million mile milestone.

He bought his beloved car at the age of 25 and has stated that when he bought the Volvo he wanted air conditioning but couldn’t afford it so got an AM/FM radio instead, I wonder if he would have been in the same position now if he did get the air con he wanted. His car now only has enough room for him and the “essentials”, his boot is full of car parts he thinks he may need for a roadside breakdown and the rest of the car contains tools ready to change parts.

A massive reason for his success was that he loves and takes care of his car, he never lets anyone other than him drive his vehicle not even his daughters, in fact he didn’t want them to drive it that much that he ended up buying them a car to keep them away. One thing that is quite amazing about the car is it still although having to be rebuilt twice has its original engine. Mr Gordon also seems to think that the car will last far longer than its 3 million mark milestone “I have a feeling I’ll be dead long before the car”. Volvo have always been known as a reliable car manufacture but this bring it to a whole new level.

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