5 Reasons To Stay In The UK For This Holiday Season

5 reasons to stay in the UK for your holiday this year
In recent years, most people who live in the UK tend to travel abroad for their holiday, whether that be once or multiple times a year. I love travelling to new countries myself and learning about the culture there, however a holiday in the UK can be just as good and, in many ways, even better than travelling abroad. In this blog I am going to talk about the top 5 reasons why you should stay in the UK for your 2020 holiday.
No more stressful airport trips
Everyone can agree that travelling by plane is very stressful at the best of times. Not to mention the high prices that are charged in the holiday season. You are advised to arrive at the airport 2 hours early, fly to the destination and then collect your luggage at the other side. The whole process takes a very long time from door to door. In addition to that flight times are not always ideal, and flying is not very eco-friendly. If you stay in the UK the chances are you can drive to your destination, this eliminates nearly all the problems that flying comes with. Also, you don’t have a luggage allowance, take as much as you can fit in your car. If you need a bigger car, you can hire a 7 seater from us to take even more luggage.
The UK has more to offer than you may think
You may be thinking that avoiding plane travel and staying in the UK sounds good, but the UK doesn’t live up to the mountains in Switzerland and beaches in Spain. Admittedly, you’re right, however, the UK still has plenty of amazing locations to offer. Amazing beaches line the coast of the UK and if the weather is anything like the last 2 years, there will be more than enough sun. As for mountains, there are many mountain ranges with high peaks of over 3000 feet high and breathtaking views. Large cities offer a completely different holiday visit Edinburgh or London for a city break without leaving the UK.
Take your pet on holiday with you
Usually, when you go on holiday it is likely that you have to put your beloved companion into a kennel for the week while you go have a great time abroad. If you travel in the UK, you can take your pet with you so you can both enjoy the holiday. It is not hard to find accommodation that is pet friendly for only a small charge or even free.
No language barriers
As much as visiting a new country is great, language barriers can become stressful. Whether you are trying to read signs or asking for directions, you can spend a lot of time trying to understand a different language. In the UK the main language is English, and it is very rare to find someone who cannot speak the language. Although, other languages such as Welsh are used alongside English, even road signs in Wales also have an English translation. You will be surprised how much time you save yourself just from eliminating the language barrier you would have if u was abroad.
You can save yourself money
Travelling abroad can be expensive, flights can set you back a few hundred pounds per person. Add on top of that travel insurance and accommodation in popular holiday locations and the cost soon adds up. By travelling in the UK your cost of petrol to drive to the location is likely to be less than the cost of a flight for one person. You can use this extra money to eat out more than usual or visit expensive attractions you wouldn’t usually consider.
There you go, that is just 5 reasons why you should stay in the UK for your holiday this year. If you need to hire a car, maybe your car is not big enough or you would like a more reliable car, we can help. We have cars of all sizes from mini cars like a Fiat 500 to 7 seaters like a Ford Galaxy, so choose what car size suits you best. If you need car hire you can contact us via call on +44 (0)113 880 0748, email us at sales@thealternativeagency.co.uk or talk to us via the live chat.