New Car Insurance law in force from today

As of today the law has been changed to try to reduce the number
of uninsured vehicles on the road. The new law states it will be illegal to

keep any uninsured vehicle even if the vehicle is not in use or kept on the

In the UK over 1.4 million vehicles are driven without
insurance each year, which means the drivers who do have insurance end up
paying a higher premium. On average each driver pays around £30.00 per year to cover for drivers that chose to break the law and drive uninsured.

The new law means drivers face either been fined, taken to
court or having their vehicle seized if found to be uninsured.

Road Safety minster Mike Penning states “’Uninsured drivers are a danger
on our roads, killing 160 and injuring a further 23,000 people each year, and
they cost honest motorists £500 million in extra premiums. That is why we are
introducing this tough new law, which will leave uninsured drivers with nowhere
to hide. Now the registered keeper must make sure that their vehicle is insured
all the times”

Under the new law and system the following applies:

– DVLA will work with the motor insurer’s bureau to identify
uninsured drivers.

– Motorists will receive a letter informing them that their vehicle
seems to be uninsured giving them the opportunity to take action and insure
their vehicle.

– If after the letter is sent if they fail to insure the vehicle a
£100.00 fine will be issued.

– If the vehicle is still not insured and even if the owner pays the
£100.00 fine the vehicle could be clamped or destroyed. Or take to court and
issued with a further up to £1000.00 fine.

– Seized vehicles would be released only when evidence is provided
that the registered keeper is no longer committing an offence of having no
insurance and the person proposing to drive the vehicle away is insured to do

Let’s just hope the new law clamps down on insured drivers as the number of people killed is far too high, and also why should they get away with not paying like every other honest driver’s?

Indigo Car Hire support the new law put into place today and feels very strongly about this issue.



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