Ash Cloud Could Ground Flights Again

An expert predicts that in the near future there will be an ash, booked a holiday this summer? You may not be scared of an ash cloud because you believe you are covered by travel insurance however you may be surprised the find that majority of the time you aren’t covered at all. After 2010 Eyjafjallajokull’s explosion and the grounding of flights for several days and even weeks in cases the travel insurance companies on the most part changed their policies as they lost millions from the eruption.

The estimated cost was £5bn to these companies so it comes as no surprise they don’t want to be caught out again as its doubtful even the larger companies can continue to take financial hits like this. So you may be asking if you are covered, here’s the breakdown of large travel insurance companies and whether you are covered or not.

Direct Line
Post Office
John Lewis

Axa Basic
Columbus Direct
Debenhams Bronze
Direct Travel
Marks & Spencers
Virgin money

Surprised? Yes I was too, one expert John A Stevenson from the University of Edinburgh believe it’s only a matter of time for another ash cloud to plague the UK airspace again as the volcanos of Iceland appear to go in a cycle of eruption and claiming two large volcanos are overdue for an eruption. The one saving grace is that there was actually an eruption from Grímsvötn just a year after the original ash cloud but luckily the wind currents directed the ash elsewhere. Many disagree that another such occurance will affect us again in a good while however it’s always good to take into account which travel insurance companies will cover you or you could be left at the airport unable to claim any of your money back.

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