Countdown to the London 2012 Olympics

The beginning of the Olympics is nearly upon us. With just 10 days to go before the huge opening ceremony and the beginning of the most presigious sporting event. It was announced on the 6th July 2005 that London was playing host to the 2012 Olympics. Since then there has been over 7 years of planning and millions of pounds spent, London is finally playing host to the Olympics for the first time since 1948. The Olympic Village is situated in East London and it is going to be the setting for a very momentous occasion.

Come on Great Britain!!

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Fuel Tax to Rise in Autumn!!!

George Osbourne announced plans to increase the fuel duty last year and stated that this would be enforced on 1 January 2012, this was later deferred to 1 August 2012. The Chancellors announcement means this still stands, meaning fuel duty will increase by 3.02 pence per litre in Autumn.

With fuel prices increasing, as we all know, the price of everything goes up, and with today’s economic climate it is even more likely that it will take much longer to get the UK out of the financial mess it is currently in!

The AA’s president, Edmund King slammed the fuel duty announcement. He said: “At a time of record prices at the pumps the August increase in duty is a budget blow-out which will force drivers off the road and could bring a summer of discontent for many. Only last week the Prime Minister told American students that UK fuel prices would make them “faint”, yet the Government seems intent on inflicting more pain for no gain on drivers. Ironically such a hike in duty doesn’t necessarily help government finances as people will cut spending at the pumps and in shops, and it could fuel inflation.”

The cost of fuel currently is already at its highest point for many years, however the increase on fuel duty means that we are set for more increased costs to account for. With the cost of fuel increasing it will hit the car hire industry hard, but the everyday person too, as the cost of fuel increases the cost of food and basic amenities as the cost for delivery of products will rise.

It is always said, every penny counts. Now it seems every drop of fuel counts too!!!

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London 2012 Olympics Welcome at Heathrow

With the London 2012 Olympics fast approaching, most of the major airports are getting ready for a huge influx of passengers and flights. So much so that Heathrow have now installed a large sculpture of the Olympic rings just above the international arrivals board at Terminal 5 of London Heathrow Airport.

With many of the competitors and followers of the Olympics arriving by plane, this will be a welcome sight and a sure fire way of informing them that they are definitely in the right place! Although queueing for customs and immigration at the airport is a long and dreary process, which is expected to be slightly worse for the duration of the Olympics, everybody involved, including the Prime Minister David Cameron, has vowed that everything will be done to avoid disruption during the games.

Personally we believe that if you want to try and avoid all of the disruption then maybe arrive a couple of days earlier before the Olympics start. If this is not an option or if you are coming in for a later event then try and avoid the busiest flights. Also if you require a car hire at Heathrow airport, we advise that you book as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

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Delays at UK Border control at Heathrow Airport

At Indigo Car Hire, one of our busiest locations in the UK to collect a Car Hire is of course London Heathrow Airport. With many long haul flights arriving 24 hours a day it is certainly a prime location for visitors arriving into the UK.

With the London 2012 Olympic games starting on 27th July, less than 50 days away now, there are growing concerns surrounding massive queues and delays at Heathrow Airport during the spectacular sporting events this summer in London.

We at Indigo have had many customers, who have arranged their car hire at Heathrow Airport, informing us of their anxieties surrounding these huge lines and massive delays. They have informed us that they are apprehensive that a normally routine journey through baggage claims and border control may now become an even more strenuous situation than normal.

Is there really reason enough reason for all of this concern this early on or is it just another situation just like the fuel crisis and panic buying from a few months ago? Well the UK Border patrol seems to think that there is cause for concern, they have stated that they will be increasing the number of staff at the border control in Heathrow Airport to make the flow of passengers smooth, safe and less problematic.

Some people are saying that the Olympics is just the catalyst which has made the Border Agency and the airlines aware of a situation that has been going on for many years previously. Personally we at Indigo believe that although delays are often unavoidable, they could maybe be handled a little better, whether this be by employing more staff at the Border Agency, like they have planned to do during the Olympic period, or alternatively arrange a better and more efficient way to deal with a large events.

One of the worst things that can happen when you have just got off of a long flight and it turns out that you end up waiting for an eternity trying to get through customs. The last thing you need is to be waiting around for your car hire as well which is why at Indigo, we always ensure that things go smoothly and are problem free. This is and always has been of great importance to both Indigo and our customers.

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Manchester Airport Fuel Crisis for Airlines

Manchester Airport have announced that they have “learnt lessons” after running out of fuel for the first time in its history!

Around 30 flights were delayed or disrupted by this lack of fuel, which was caused by a pipeline, from the Stanlow oil refinery in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire that flows directly to the Airport, which had to be turned off on the early hours of Wednesday morning due to a batch of fuel which was contaminated.

With the huge influx of passengers and heightened business over the Bank Holiday period, all the reserve fuel tanks supplies at Manchester Airport  were completely depleted by around 5pm on Thursday.

Around 13 flights were delayed as they the planes did not have enough fuel to depart whereas around 17 flights had to make unscheduled stops throughout Europe to make fuelling stops.

Airport bosses have now begun talks with the airlines and fuel companies to see why this situation arose and to establish ways to prevent it occurring again.


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Airport Car Parking – Why Pay More???

A Which? Survey today found that many people are getting stung for parking their vehicles at the airport car parks; some providers of this service are charging ridiculous amounts of money for leaving your vehicle at the airport. Please read on for some helpful advice and tips on how to avoid this.

When leaving your car at the airport, charges are to be expected. But when the cost of your car parking, surpasses that of the cost of your flights, it begins to get rather preposterous.

Parking at Heathrow Airport can cost around £60 to £70 for the week if booked in advance however if you turn up on the day this price can more than double and be in the region of £120 upwards. That is an increase of nearly 100%.

By booking your parking at Gatwick Airport in advance you can expect to pay around £41, but if you do not pre-book then you could be looking at around £91.00. The same applies at other airports too. At Manchester you can book early for around £36.00 but if you are not prepared and pay on the day then you could be looking at around £100.


A few top tips when arranging your car parking at Airports in the UK:


  • Always check around for prices – Check locally based suppliers like for example, Airparks who are based approximately 4 miles from Glasgow Airport. Often you can find that the off airport suppliers are much cheaper than the ones based on site.
  • Book In Advance – It seems like with many things the earlier you book, the better deal you get. Always arrange your car parking in advance. You do not want to get charged more than 100% extra for your car parking on the day. In every possible instance please book as early as possible to avoid disappointment and price hikes.
  • Check with Hotels – If you are staying at a hotel at the airport it is worthwhile checking with them as they sometimes have deals for car parking with the room packages.
  • Check Transfer Times for Shuttle Buses – If you are travelling at unsociable hours then it is best to check that the buses stay regular throughout the night.
  • Balance Price against Security – Most of the Car Park companies have CCTV installed as well as guarded patrols, local services may be less secure, so always check first and make sure that your vehicle will be secure as generally if there is a problem then it is your responsibility  not theirs.

 So follow these steps and you can be sure that your car parking will not only be at a reasonable cost, but also you will be safe in the knowledge that your vehicle is secure.


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UK Airport car hire – Rent with confidence!

There have been many discussions based on the demand for both on and off airport car hire. Whilst suppliers based in the terminal offer greater convenience there are arguments also in favour of off airport car hire and the service they can offer.

This is where we know we can help. Within our trusted supply network we have built relationships with reliable suppliers both on and off airport giving you the choice. We can provide you with all the information you need to make an educated decision that’s right for you.

So how do you make your decision and how do you know who is right for you?

Obviously there are many contributing factors; accessibility, convenience, reliability and cost to name a few. We need to decide what is most important to you but don’t worry you’re alone. We will offer our expert advice and opinion to help make that decision easy for you.

ON Airport car hire


  • Convenience
  • Easily locatable collection points
  • Quicker pick up and return
  • No Hassle
  • Quicker departure from the airport after your flight


  • Queues can form quickly when multiple flights arrive
  • Paying a slightly higher rate for the privilege of being “on site”


OFF Airport


  • Discounted rates
  • Courtesy transfer from the airport to the car hire centre


  • Extra travelling time after your flight
  • A potential short wait for the transfer


As you can see there are arguments in favour for both and it’s really a choice of personal preference, what we can say though is we have the flexibility; knowledge and expertise to assist you make the right choice.


We are just a call away – +44 (0)113 880 0748

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Changes of Road Regulations in France

New regulations are to take effect from July 1st 2012 that will mean all drivers on French roads are legally required to have a breathalyzer kit in the vehicle they are driving. This including visitors to the country!!

The current road safety law stipulate a driver must carry a fluorescent safety vest and warning triangle along with UK motorists already having to display a GB sticker. The breathalyzer will now also become part of the mandatory requirements.

The kits are expected to cost in the region of £2.00 and will be available from petrol and service stations in addition to ferry and transport terminals. Officials have suggested carrying at least two kits as drivers stopped multiple times within the same day would still be required to have the kit available. Fines are enforced by the authorities for failure to comply with the new regulations.

The legal limit for driving after drinking is 50mg per 100ml of blood. This is significantly less than the UK where the limit is 80mg.

Tips for driving in France
Speed Limits
Motorways 80mph (130KMH) or 68mph (110KMH) when wet
Open Roads Dual Carriageway with a central reservation 68mph (110KMH)
Or otherwise 55mph (90KMH)
Towns 31mph (50KMH)

Speed cameras are used heavily used throughout the country to deter speeding. In addition there are a number of government safe driving initiatives.
Alcohol Limit 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood

Mobile Phones The use of handheld phones is illegal and carries a fixed penalty fine (plus points on a French licence). The use of a hands free kit is legally allowed.
Seating It is compulsory for all passengers to wear seatbelts where fitted and all children must sit in a booster/child seat of the driver could face a fine. A child under the age of 6 months may sit in a child seat in the front of the vehicle.

Road tolls Charges are applicable to use that particular road. A ticket is collected from a kiosk machine at the start of the road and the fee paid at the end.
Parking Yellow lines mean absolutely no parking at any time
Parking is only allowed on one side of the street and signs will clearly indicate which side this is. Maximum stays can also be enforced.

Be careful for pay and display areas as they are common throughout the whole of France. Parking is usually free on weekends, bank holidays and after 19.00 on a weekday evening and prior to 09.00 the following morning.

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Fuel tanker strike threatens fuel shortage over Easter!

Ever since the fuel tanker drivers mentioned that they are going on strike, motorists have been panic buying fuel. This comes after Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude advised that “saving some extra fuel in a jerry can would be a sensible precaution.”

Unite Members belonging to five companies, namely Tesco, Sainsbury’s, BP, Shell and Esso have all voted for strike action over working conditions and pensions.  Although no date has yet been set for a strike many people are still worrying that there will be no fuel available for when they need it, this is the reason why everyone is running around in a mad frenzy.

During my driving time I have experienced this kind of situation a few times now. Back in winter we had the same situation with food, because there was a light flurry of snow everyone rushed out to get bread, milk and basic essentials in case their food could not reach the shops. This time it is all over fuel and industrial action again.

I personally believe that the actions following any mention of a strike are pointless as every time people go on a mad rush to obtain something like fuel, it causes massive uproar and eventually nothing comes of the strike.  If the tanker drivers were to go on strike it would not be the end of the world, we have come through fuel strikes before and no doubt we will do in the future.

Indigo Car Hire manager Cherie Walker believes that “instead of panic buying, people should be more careful with how they use their petrol.”

Another concern that myself and Cherie have is the fact that people are being advised to store petrol in jerry cans in their homes and garages. This is a huge concern as any naked flame that goes anywhere near those jerry cans then this can cause a massive explosion, which is a serious risk to people’s welfare and property. I would like to advise people not to store large amount of petrol or diesel in their homes for the aforementioned reason.


There is no reason to stockpile fuel in large quantities as there will always be a large supply for a long time to come yet. What I would like to advise people is to prepare yourselves for the future and most importantly, do not panic!

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Spanish Car Hire Giant Cease Trading

Recent reports suggest Aurigacrown will cease trading which is very sad news, I really thought the times of car hire companies going under was behind us. Aurigacrown are a well-known car hire company with a fleet of over 15,000 cars.

Is this something to do with the ridiculously low prices? Over the last 6 months i have seen cars go out to customers for a full month for as little as £200.00. This is a great price however the way the car hire suppliers make up for the low rates is through selling extras. Such as fuel, it is very common and also very annoying to customers renting cars in Spain, as most car hire supplier’s terms are to collect the car full of fuel and return back empty, charging the customers for the full tank of fuel at premium rates.

I really think due to the shortage of cars this summer, as 15,000 cars is a lot to reduce by. We will see the rates shoot up. Going back 3 years ago, when car hire supply was short exactly the same happened, cars were selling at over £300.00 per week and this was for the box standard Peugeot 107 or similar model.

We arrange quite a lot of Car Hire at Alicante Airport where the supplier has an office, really hope for all our Indigo customers the prices are not affected too much but it’s a matter of watch this space really….

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