Battle For Car Of The Year

>Who can win this year’s eagerly anticipated car of the year award? Seven contenders are battling it out in the ring to win this year’s European Car Of the Year award looking to become the most outstanding car to help increase their sales as an accolade like this does. Judges are ready to be critical of the shortlisted 7 contenders and are planning to pin down the best overall new car in the last 12 month period.

There is a wide range of vehicles in the seven that have made the shortlist from a variety of different classes. These are…

Mercedes S Class – The impressive luxury car is one of the favourites to win the award, S classes are known for the innovative thinking when it comes to releasing new models and this is of no exception with its self-parking, top of the range cruise control as well as self-breaking.

Skoda Octavia – Skoda in recent years has become increasingly popular since it was taken over by VW it has been rebranded, the Octavia is fantastic all round with being solid, reliable and has a great fuel economy which is why it is a great choice for everyone.

Citroen C4 Picasso – The facelift just brought this car into a whole new dimension, it has become one of the most common family cars. It’s very spacious and has touchscreen features which keeps children occupied.

Mazda 3 – Comes with great standard choices compared to the 308 and is a great car to drive as a small family hatchback and is head and shoulders above the competition, bar the shortlisted 308 of course.

Peugeot 308 – Another family hatchback and a great competitor for the Mazda 3, lots of gadgets and a subtle design have made it reach the top 7. It has some great functions and tech for not just a drive but a fantastic “experience”.

BMW i3 – Everyone’s been raving about the i3 recently, its BMWs fully electric car which is also available in hybrid. It’s part of a new range of luxury electric cars which offers a cheaper alternative to the Tesla.

Tesla’s Model S – Another electric car to make the shortlist, the Tesla. A true luxury electric car with 5-7 seats it is variable, it’s also got a fast acceleration and of course 0 emissions, however it is a hefty buying price.

The question is however who will win the prize? What’s your favourite?

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