New Car Insurance law in force from today

As of today the law has been changed to try to reduce the number
of uninsured vehicles on the road. The new law states it will be illegal to (more…)

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Soft Tops are here

Indigo is proud to Introduce its range of convertible cars for hire, perfect for the Summer that is approaching. We have a number of soft top models which are (more…)

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Tips for controlling the costs of motoring

This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for some time now, in fact every time I fill up my car and see the depressing amount of money that I’m spending on fuel I get reminded to do it, so here it goes: Tips for controlling the costs of motoring (more…)

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New Indigo Website Now Live

Indigo are please announce the launch of our brand new website.

With months of planning and preperation its finally here, and already proving popular with our exiting customers.


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Short Term Lease Deals

Are you thinking of leasing a car for a few months? Well Indigo is the place to come. We have some cracking deals on brand new Fords. You can lease from 3 months + at very reasonable prices. We can have the car delivered to your door within days.


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Useful Tips When Hiring A Car

Thinking of renting a car? Below are key pointers of what to do when renting your next car hire. Follow these tips and you will avoid any problems.

Is The Price Fully Inclusive?

When booking your car hire always ask if the price is fully inclusive. Is there any additional charges that will be added when you collect the car? Example additional insurance, fuel charges.

How much is the insurance excess?

Always ask what the insurance excess amount is, this is the amount you have to pay in the event the car is damaged. This can range from £500.00 to £1000.00 depending on which car hire supplier you book with.

Can i reduce the insurance excess

Ask if you have the option to reduce the insurance excess, and what the daily cost to do this is. Bear in mind most companies will give you a daily fee but remember they may be quoting you a cost before VAT is added to make the cost sound cheaper.

Understand the pick up procedure

Make sure you fully understand the collection procedure of how to collect the car as some car hire companies the offer car hire at the airport are not always based inside the terminal building. You may have to call a telephone number on arrival or met in a certain area at the airport.

Know what ID you need with you

Make sure you know exactly what ID you need to have with you, if you have a UK Drivers Licence you must have the counterpart of you licence as well as the photo card.

How much will the deposit be?

Always ask how much deposit will be taken when you arrive, as this can range between £150.00 – £750.00. Any if you do not have the available funds on your credit card the car hire company will not supply the car to you. Some suppliers even allow you to hire a car with no deposit, contact us if you are interested in this.

Read the rental agreement before you sign

When collecting the car, make sure you read the rental agreement/paperwork you are signing and make sure the amount you are signing for is the amount you were quoted. Make sure no additional extras have been added without your consent as once you have signed the agreement you have agreed to the charges.

Check for damage

Make sure you have a good walk around the car and any damage you see make sure this is noted on the paperwork. If this is not go back to the supplier and get the damage details added. If the supplier says its all okay, take no for an answer as you can be liable for the charges on return.

Check fuel level

Make sure before taking the car hire the fuel is at the agreed level, also make sure you understand what fuel should be in the car when you return.

Check the car for damage when you return

When returning the car hire, make sure you get a staff member to check the car and agree there is no damage so you can leave knowing that no damage charges will be added.

At Indigo Car Hire we work with over 450 different Car Hire suppliers worldwide and we always like to make sure our customers get the best possible customer service. By following the above points you can rest assured you will have a pleasant experience when you next hire car with any car rental company.

If you are looking for a car hire, either call our reservations office on 0044 (0)113 2899281 or emails us at

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