Britain bans smoking in car with children

News Flash Britain bans smoking in car with children
While all the car hire companies adopted a non smoking policy since 2009 and made illegal smoking in the rental cars, the adults could smoke in their private vehicles even if with children as passengers.
Starting from 1st of October the British Parliament adopted a new law and makes illegal smoking in cars or other private owned vehicles when children are present.
The new law states that if a person under 18 is present in the car, it is illegal for the driver or any other adult in the vehicle to smoke.
The law applies to all drivers in England and Wales and prohibits smoking even if the windows or sun roof are open or smoking in the open doorway of the car.
Those who do not comply risk a £50 fine. We have to mention as well that if another adult in the car is smoking, both him and the driver risk to be fined.
The new law protects all the children and young persons from the effects of secondhand smoke. According to the U.K. Department of Health secondhand smoke can cause meningitis, cancer, bronchitis and pneumonia.
The health minister Luciana Berger said: “This is a great victory for child health which will benefit hundreds of thousands of young people across our country. It is a matter of child protection, not adult choice.”
The law doesn’t apply in the following cases:
– The adults are using electronic cigarettes (vaping)
– The adults are smoking in a convertible car which has the roof down
– If a 17 years old driver is alone in the car
More details about the new law can be found on the GOV.UK website.