Britain’s Top Airports

Surveys have taken place on many passengers across Britain to settle which airport is the best overall. You may be surprised to find the airports that have the most traffic aren’t necessarily the best with some of the top airports coming bottom of the list. There were many different questions given to regular passengers and then all the results were compiled to find the overall best and worst airports in Britain, so what airports received what rankings?

You may be surprised to find that big name airports such as Aberdeen airport and Stansted airport where at the lowest side of the scale rating in amongst the bottom five joined also by Luton and London city airports. They each were given their individual faults, Aberdeen needs updating, Stansted and Luton Queues to long and London City getting slated for its expensive parking. Shocking as these are considered some of the best airports in Britain.

So lets get to the top end of the survey, the overall winner in most categories for its facilities, customer service and shopping was Manchester airport. The airport has been rapidly increasing in passenger amount this year overtaking Stansted it really seem like Manchester airport are taking the market by storm. Gatwick came in second praised for its staff and large check in area, thirdly came Newcastle airport which just pulled ahead of Birmingham airport with its ease of travel being mentioned.

There was also another survey that people took part in with the question which airport has the best transport links? This award was won by Heathrow in this case with its several transport options to and from the airport, it was then followed behind by Manchester airport then Gatwick. Overall Manchester is not doing bad for a Northern airport that is, well ahead of its Northern rivals and creeping up slowly on the large London airports.

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