Capacity Issues At Heathrow Airport
With London being a thriving centre for the world’s trade and business sectors, arriving and departing by plane for meetings and business deals is often imperative to ensure that you arrive on time and you seal that lucrative deal. Many of the airports in London are an essential gateway for families and people travelling to and from the UK for their holidays. Heathrow is no exception which is why there is growing concern surrounding the capacity at Heathrow Airport.
This follows the news that the government has rejected calls for a third runway to be built at Heathrow Airport. There have also been talks about expanding London City Airport to alleviate the amount of traffic incoming to London however talks for this have also been suspended.
Chancellor George Osbourne stated,
“Over the next few months we will be talking to people about where that capacity should be.” He then went on to say, “I am very clear; we are an open trading nation and just as we don’t want to shut down our ports or our railways, we don’t want to shut down our airspace.”
Now this is totally understandable and we do not want to in anyway disrupt our trade links or travel arrangements. However this is a problem which is only going to get worse, not better. Something does need to be done but it is a matter which will take time, money and many meetings before a decision will be made.
Personally I think that an extension to one of the airports may be required but space is at a premium in London, so finding the space to fit all of these extra runways may be tricky, so possibly another airport could be built somewhere just outside of London possibly in the South-East of England. Although where to situate this airport would again be a lengthy and arduous spectacle.
What solution would you suggest?