Car Hire Annual Insurance Sale
Regularly hire cars and need to take out the insurance policies? Insurance policies for car hire can be expensive and you don’t have to put up with it. We can offer annual insurance which covers you for a variety of things I will describe later, we can offer you this deal for as little as £38.99 per year! That’s nothing compared to the cost of doing it with the supplier.
What does the annual insurance cover me for?
There annual insurance covers majority of things however there is something that it doesn’t cover that you should be aware of, here is a list of things that the annual insurance DOES cover for you.
• 60 Days continuous cover per each hired car
• £4,000 excess allowed per claim with a total of £5,000 each year
• Valid all over Europe
• Ages 21-85 accepted
• Car rental key cover
• Flexible start date of the cover eg book your insurance for when your car rental starts
• Covers mis-fueling damage up to £500
What won’t it cover?
• It doesn’t cover interior of the car or contents of the car eg personal belongings
• Doesn’t cover high performance, prestige or exotic vehicles as well as commercial vehicles and vans and vehicles with more than 9 seats. It also doesn’t cover camper vans or mobile homes.
If you are a regular higher this is definitely something you should look into and we offer it at a great and discounted price. If you are interested in this offer please call us on +44 (0)113 880 0748 and we will arrange it for you with our discounts applied straight away. This offer however isn’t really worth it if you are a one time a year hirer as it may cost more to take the annual than it would of the accumulative daily price of your car hire.