Car Hire With Barclaycard

People often worry that when it comes to hiring a car what cards they can and can’t use, typically this is in regards to not having a credit card as many companies won’t accept anything that isn’t a credit card, however you can find out more on that by clicking this link. Another card that people often worry about is Barclaycards, which are credit cards provided by the company Barclays.
Surprisingly there are a few companies out there that don’t accept these cards despite them being credit cards.

Barclays are a banking and financial service who have their headquarters in London, although they operate worldwide they are mostly used within the UK, with around 48 million customers using the card its essential that they are accepted by car hire companies therefore we can assure you however that we do, however we want to take a moment and explain the confusion around the connect.

We often get asked if people can use their Barclays Connect Card to pay for car hire, well the confusion is that you can’t actually use the connect function but cards that come with the connect are eligible to use however you have to put them through the machine in a traditional way, Barclays debit cards are also accepted in a large amount of location but for that you will have to check with us directly in order to make sure.

We do ask anyway however that just to make sure we can ensure that these are accepted that you call us directly. When you call us you will get through to one of our experienced and knowledgeable reservation agents who will be happy to answer any questions you have, call us on +44 (0)113 880 0748 or email us at

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