Car Hire with ZERO excess and ZERO deposit

Car Hire With Zero Deposit

Expansion of our UK Locations offering ZERO DEPOSIT and ZERO EXCESS.

We all know given the current climate money is tight and often finding the money to pay to hire a car is not a problem, it’s when you get down the T’s and C’s that you find on collection of the Car Hire an additional amount is required as a security deposit.

Depending on the supplier the standard deposit levels when renting a car in the UK can be between £200.00 – £1000.00. We have seen over the last 6 months an increase in demand of customers needing Car Hire with zero deposit and zero excess

Not only does this mean you do not need to leave any deposit, but the car will also come as standard with ZERO excess. Meaning if in the event the car is damaged you have nothing to pay. *

See below the locations within the UK where we have ZERO deposit car hire options available.

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The criteria for this deal are simple, the driver needs to be 25+ / held a full clean licence for 12 months plus and have a credit card in their name. Debit cards are accepted, however, if you are a local hirer you will be required to provide proof of employment (such as a pay/wage slip).

Unlike many of the Car Hire suppliers in the UK, no address or credit checks are carried out. Just required to bring along standard ID:

  • Drivers Licence
  • 2 x Proofs of address (If you only have 1 proof of address, Passport is accepted)
  • Wage / Pay Slip (required for clients paying via debit card)
  • Payment card (Credit / Debit card in the hirer’s name)

If you would like to explore car hire with ZERO EXCESS and ZERO DEPOSIT, please contact our dedicated reservations team at our office number today – 0113 2899281. Our team are available 7 days a week and will be more than happy to provide a quote and hopefully secure you a No Deposit Car Hire

For those wanting premium excess cover in the event of damage or theft, details can be found here

* ZERO EXCESS (Exclusion – Glass / Wheels and Undercarriage) – Can pay additional for Glass / Wheel cover when collecting the car however this is totally optional and down to customer preference.

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