Car Insurance Men v Women
Two years ago it was ruled that car insurance companies were breaking the law, this was in regards to women getting an overall cheaper car insurance deal than men. Typically women would get rates far cheaper than that of men due to the fact they where seen as less likely to have an accident, this was seen by the ECJ (European Court of Justice) as discrimination against men and they consequently ruled in favour of changing the prices and ordered car hire companies to change their annual premiums to make them closer in price for both sexes.
The date set by ECJ to stop insurers carrying on this practice was December 21st 2012, and the changes really came into effect early 2013. Men were paying on average £117 more annually than women so in order to balance this figure car insurance companies raised the price of women’s insurance and decreased the price of men’s slightly, seemingly it worked but obviously more in the favour of men. Many female drivers feel hard done by due to the rise in prices with them still being labelled as less likely to have a crash, it’s quite comical how some women always complain about not being treated equally in several aspects of life however now when its out of their favour its the other way round.
Men still are however paying more than women on an average, the price gap is however considerably less being just £27 difference annually rather than a gap of £117. The on going saga of balancing the prices is still on going with prices still in the balancing process I wonder as to what changes will take place next will men’s insurance drop further? Or will women’s insurance increase the changes will been seen in the near future.
But the question is who is going to win the price war for car insurance premiums? Men or Women.