Car That Calls For Help
The European Commission wants all cars by 2015 to be ready to call an emergency number by themselves if the event of a crash happens and the owner is unable to call for help. Technology these days would make this possible, people crash all the time and many car crashes are fatal, could this new suggested system save lives? In the event of an accident the eCall will automatically send a message to emergency services, the true genius comes in the fact that the system won’t respond to lower impact parking errors such as parking so it wouldn’t waste emergency services time.
Cars will also be fitted with a button which is to help those who are suffering from either a heart attack, stroke, fit or something similar, the driver, passenger or even passers-by can click this button and it works in the same manner as the eCall device. It estimated that this technology could save two thousand five hundred lives per year. On top of the eCall being a life saver if it’s attached to all cars it could be given certain abilities to track the car to reduce thefts. The idea is that emergency services will be able to get to the scene of a crash much faster than if the driver or a passer-by was to be the one who alerted them hopefully giving them more time to save someone in a distressed situation. The question is will there end up being a lot of wasted time for minor accidents despite the design trying to counter that?
If the eCall system is to be rolled out it could prove a major advancement in road safety. Its also an important piece of kit to help vehicles become more intelligent, this is a stepping stone to potential future developments for both safety and advancement.