Increasing Lorry Speed Limit

The current national speed limit for lorries is 40 mph, but recently there has been questions raised about the danger of cars being able to go 20 mph faster on single carriageways. The danger of this is often that drivers want to overtake lorries which causes a large amount of collisions. They plan to increase the limit of HGVs by 10mph making it only a 10mph gap between them and cars, this change will also help other things such as cut fuel bills and reduce carbon emissions.

This issue becomes as particular interest to Scotland as its smaller area has many single carriageway roads and large amount of traffic compared to other places within the UK, this of course is a recipe for more accidents. Transport Scotland published statistics that if lorries where to be increased the speed limit of 10mph it would cut accidents by up to 18% and also stop vehicle traffic and cut from an average of 18 vehicles down to a low of just 6. As well as these statistics if lorries could increase their speed it would increase productivity.

Despite all the good factors of the increase there is also people that disagree. One of the main opposing forces of this debate is Sustrans the sustainable transport lobby group they strongly disagree as they feel it would pose an increased risk of accidents to cyclists with Jason Torrance, the charities police director saying “This decision will only make our roads more dangerous for those at the greatest risk.” However this isn’t the common belief as many people become irritated at the low speed of lorries and attempt to make risky overtakes as they become impatient causing hundreds of accidents a year, but there is no telling what would happen if they were to make this increase. Would it improve safety? Or increase accidents related to the most vulnerable, cyclists?

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Buckle Up With Inflatable Seatbelts

Ford has designed a new seatbelt with a completely innovative idea. The Inflatable Seatbelt! It’s much like an airbag in the way that when a collision happens an inflatable bag expands preventing you from breaking bones by softening your impact preventing injuries which could cause damage or death, the idea that the seatbelt contains one of these tailor designed airbags which experts say they will be most effective in preventing children from breaking ribs, sustaining internal damage and bruising. These seatbelts are also said to spread the impact area of a crash to over five times larger than the traditional seatbelt which of course means less damage is focused on a particular part of your body. (more…)

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MOT Test Information

The MOT test is designed to make sure your vehicle meets the minimum safety standards and environmental standards, this test is mostly carried out to ensure your safety and if your vehicle will be reliable. Your car needs its first MOT after 3 years of its registration; from then on it needs a yearly MOT.

Test centres are easily recognisable by their blue logo with three white triangles on the inside. When a test is carried out on your car, mechanics evaluate certain parts of the vehicle to see if it meets strict criteria and they issue you with a pass or a fail, in order to be legally allowed on the road your car must pass its MOT every year. If it fails it doesn’t deem your car unusable however there needs to be certain improvements like new parts or fixing certain parts in order for it to pass its test. (more…)

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Motorists Without Seatbelts

Are you aware that a staggering 11% of people are guilty of not wearing their seatbelt whilst in a car? You may not think that this is a high amount and just pass it by, however you know the function of seat belts of course they save lives by preventing motorists from moving excessively during a crash. The safety charity also claim that a further 31% of motorists don’t wear three point harnesses, that may be a more realistic scary figure for you. If you aren’t wearing a seatbelt you don’t only risk your own life, if you’re a passenger in the back seat you can also risk the lives of the driver and passenger in front of you as you get propelled forward in a crash you may collide with them and cause a fatal injury. (more…)

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Motorists with bad eyesight can lose license in hours

Now if police are concerned about motorists with bad eyesight they can order an on the spot sight test for the driver.

This test, much like in your original driving test, is to read a car registration plate thats 20 meters away. If this test isn’t completed to the officers satisfaction then they can send the report to the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) which until quite recently took days and even weeks to process and complete. However what they’ve done now in the hope of making the roads safer for all drivers is they can now send the report by email which will only take hours in oppose to what it used to take. This makes it much easier to get motorists with bad eyesight who are a risk to others off the road much quicker.

Motorists used to be able to continue driving through the hours or weeks that the report would take to process, this was a massive danger and the inevitable happened when Jackie McCord’s 16 year old daughter was struck down by a driver who had failed a recent roadside eyesight test and subsequently she was killed. This driver was wrongfully yet legally allowed to drive on the road making it unable to point the blame. Jackie McCord the mother of the girl had numerous campaigns and petitions to see that someone amended this danger hazard, eventually partially successful.

Some drivers still believe that justice was not fully amended as they still don’t see this as a strict enough guideline. Many people believe that drivers should take regular sight tests so it prevents this happening in the first place rather than just waiting for another accident to happen. The subject is still very much open to controversy with a divided split on people unable to come up with a solid conclusion, so it appears that this is the quick solve medium to appease the general motorist population.

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MyKey Feature Could Reduce Insurance Costs For Young Drivers

United States Car Giant Ford is set to bring its’ new My Key Technology to the UK, much to the relief of many young drivers and their parents alike. The target market is aimed at those who have the tag of boy and girl racers.

My Key is designed to make Ford vehicles safer to drive and aims to help reduce the amount of fatal accidents involving young drivers under 25. The technology is aimed to give parents piece of mind as it allows parents to control the settings in the car via a master key.

So we ask what does this key do, what can I adjust and how will it keep our children safe?

Speed: Excessive speed caused more than 30% of all accidents in male drivers and 21% in female drivers under 25. The My Key system has a feature which allows the top speed of the vehicle to be limited to a set speed, depending on the setting warnings will sound at 70, 90 or 100kph.

Fuel: Parents will also be relieved to know that they will not have to be anxiously expecting a late night call from their stranded teenagers as the feature also provides early low-fuel warnings. Drivers are warned when they have 120km of fuel left in the vehicle.

Music: When teenagers play music they tend to play it quite loudly and this can often distract them from the job they should be concentrating on, driving. Unfortuantely for teenagers the MY Key function has the ability to limit the volume on the audio system, thus removing any unnecessary distractions, ensuring that the driver is being more concentrated on the job at hand.

Seatbelts: My Key also encourages the use of seat belts in vehicles. More often than not drivers will tend not to put their seatbelts on, or slip it over their shoulder, so it appears that they are wearing one to any passers-by. The system uses a reminder chime and mutes the audio system until all front seat passengers comply and stick their seatbelts on.

Personally Indigo believes that this is a very clever idea as in time this could reduce fatalities and bring down the insurance premiums for younger drivers, enabling them to driver safer, and in time they may also be able to go out and hire vehicles and not have to pay a fortune for young driver fees or extortionate insurance premiums.

Ford plans  to make the My Key system available to European drivers when it releases the brand new 13 plate ford fiesta and it aims to make the feature as standard on the vehicles. However all is not lost. 53% of parents who were surveyed by Ford said that they would give their teenagers more access to the family vehicle if these settings were applied.

We have no doubt that budding Michael and Michelle Schumacher’s out there will be rushing out to get the new Ford Fiesta!

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Police get new drugalyser testing kit

The police now have a new piece of technology in their arsenal to use at the roadside, they are nicknaming this technological breakthrough as the “drugalyser” which has recently been approved by the Home Office. Previously if the police suspected the use of the illegal substances they had to take you for a blood test which took a considerable amount of time giving the drugs the possibility of passing through your system without a trace.

The way that it will work now is this new drugalyser, if they suspect you are under the influence of drugs they’ll swab your mouth and look for the compound contained in cannabis called tetrahydrocannabinol, However to convict you they still need that blood test but the theory is that this roadside kit will make it much quicker to be eligible for the blood test.

They are very hopeful for the development of this new piece of kit. They believe it will be further developed in the foreseeable future to be capable of not just detecting cannabis, but other illegal drugs as well. The penalties if you’re found to be under the influence of illegal drugs are very similar to the penalties for drink driving thereforeare capable of damagaing your day to day life.

Also coinciding with this groundbreaking discovery Damian Green the Policing and Criminal Justice minister released a statement describing these drugged up drivers as a “menace to pedestrians, other motorists, and themselves” he was also determined to “ensure the police have access to new technology to ensure drug drivers are caught and punished.

Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in the United Kingdom, the reason they are really trying to crack down on not only this substance but this substance when mixed with driving, it becomes extremely dangerous. Cannabis slows down reaction times making a under the influence driver unable to stop if they came across a situation where they needed to avoid a collision.

A British medical journalist has come out and made a statement that “those driving under the influence of cannabis had nearly double the risk of a crash” which really hits the nail on the head at how dangerous this issue really is. The statement that the police are trying to get across here is think twice before abusing drugs and driving, it could kill someone.

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Changes To Driving Licences

Driving Licence Changes

As of the 19th January 2013 a European Directive will come into force in the UK, meaning that those who drive motorcycles, lorries, buses, minibuses and those who tow trailers will see their licenses change.

Dates and the way that new licenses are set out will be changed, to make it clearer what vehicles the holder can drive, and expiry date will be shown clearer. Also the expiry date of your license will be shown on the front of your license, and the expiry date of your entitlements will be shown on the back. (more…)

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A third of motorists use their mobile phone whilst behind the wheel!

The use of a mobile phone whilst behind the wheel in the UK was banned in December in 2003. If caught by the police, you can be charged up to a £60 fine, and receive a CU80 conviction code, which equates to 3 points on your license. Although the consequences are somewhat serious, people still break the law as over 1 million people have been caught since the law was introduced.

A study by insurance company Liverpool Victoria highlighted that over 20% of drivers think that driving whilst using a phone is acceptable, with many admitting to using their phones to check Facebook and twitter whilst driving.

Research has shown that using a mobile phone whilst driving is as dangerous as driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. The study that was conducted showed that those who were on their mobile phones whilst driving were just as likely to crash the vehicle as those who were under the influence. Of the three drivers that took part in the study, all of them crashed into the back of the test car, whilst talking on a mobile.

Technology is slowly helping to combat the problem of using your mobile phone whilst driving, with Bluetooth and Hands-free communication tools a popular choice for those with newer vehicles. Those with older vehicles do not have this option, or choose not to use it.

Even though this technology is trying to help those who still need to use a mobile phone whilst driving, it is yet to assist the police in catching offenders. Currently there is a device that is used by selected police forces, that uses laser technology to catch those in the act from up to half a mile away.

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Habitual Drink Drivers Could Have Their Vehicles Seized

Repeat Drink Drivers in the UK could have their cars seized as the government announced new attempts to crack down on the problem of people getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. This move from the government follows the declaration that the amount of motorists being convicted more than once for drink driving charges had risen quite significantly.

Startling figures show that in the year 2000, 13,299 motorists received a second ban for drink driving. This figure had increased to 19,605 by 2009. During this period, those disqualified from driving at least the second time rose to 24% from 16%, the Daily Telegraph Reported.

This plan will be part of ministers’ aims to tighten up laws surrounding motorists and alcohol. This means that drivers could lose their right to a second blood test or urine test if drivers are found to be even fractionally over the limit when breathalyzed.

This move is meant to clamp down on a loophole that means people can sober up while they await their new test. In September nearly 1 in 10 motorists admitted, to the Crime Survey of England, that they had driven while over the legal limit. According to the Department of transport, last year over 280 people were killed in drink-drive related incidents, an increase of 30 from the previous year.

We always advise that you keep safe out there and do not consume any alcohol if you have plans to drive a vehicle. It is always better to be safe and sorry.

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