New device can be fitted to cars to save young drivers insurance premiums

A black box fitted to cars to reduce young drivers insurance premiums cannot be a bad thing, can it?

Young motorists can now reduce their insurance premiums by installing black boxes in their vehicles, Vauxhall reported. These devices can be fitted to both new and used Vauxhalls and purchased through the dealer network and insured by Ingenie.

How does it work?

The black boxes work in a very similar way to the black boxes you would find on an aircraft. The boxes create driver profiles based on how the vehicles are being driven. Factors which can affect the cost of your insurance premiums include speed, cornering, acceleration and braking. Rather than looking at isolated incidents the boxes tend to pick up on trends of behaviour and driving style.

Ingenie then reviews this information every 3 months and then charges the drivers according to their behaviour whilst driving. Motorists can also monitor their progress online and by using a mobile phone application.

Can I qualify?

Drivers must be between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five.

Is it really worth it?

Vauxhall say that young drivers could save up to 10 per cent on their first year premiums by having these black boxes fitted. That is quite a considerable amount when you consider the amount that younger drivers generally pay for their insurance premiums. It is best not to assume that the long term cost are less than the normal policies, as this may not be the case. They might be however it is always worth double checking.

What are the benefits?

The main factor which should be taken into huge account is the way young people drive. Not all young drivers are the stereotypical ‘boy racers’, but yet the insurance companies still charge through the nose for their insurance premiums, generally just based on their age.

Well now with this new black box, this could really benefit the many young drivers out there that do drive safely and this in turn will obviously save them a sizeable amount when it comes to renewing their insurance policies.

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Insurance Companies Forced Into Gender Equality

Women are being urged to check their insurance policies before the new ruling comes into force next month which will ban firms quoting prices based on gender.

Insurance companies have been very forceful in trying to prevent this change for the past few years however due to new legislation this is a mandatory option as of the 21st December 2012.
Some insurers predict that women’s premiums for their car hire could rise by at least 25%.

From 21st December 2012 insurance firms in the UK will be restricted from taking gender into account. Currently women pay less for their cover for cars, so the rise in women’s premiums is to bring the prices in line with what men are currently paying.

According to the Department of Transport, male drivers under 25 were involved in more than 24,000 accidents last year, compared to just over 14,000 for female drivers under 25.

It is great news that the insurance companies are finally getting in line with gender equality and not basing their prices on what sex we are. However some women are arguing that women, should not have to pay an additional 25% on top of their premiums, and that men should pay a little less so that the premiums rates for men and women could be on more of an even keel.

Male drivers can expect to see their premiums drop slightly however don’t be expecting huge drops as this is very unlikely to happen.

If your insurance coverage is due to expire after 21st December 2012, insurers are advising it may be cheaper to cancel your policy prior to this date and sign up for another year at the cheaper prices before this date. Do be aware though that you may be subject to a fee if you do this it might also affect your no claims bonus.

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Have You Considered How Reliable Your Tyres Are?

Have you ever really thought about how safe your tyres are? Generally when people purchase tyres the two main factors which are taken into consideration are price and brand. With over 150 different companies that currently offer tyres for our vehicles it can often be difficult to keep up with which tyres are the best option for you. As of today the new European labeling regulations come into action which can make you to drive, safer, quieter and more economical.

With driving sometimes being a hazardous affair, safety is always of high priority. With items in the car there to assist us in a time of need including airbags, roll cages and anti-lock brakes, the most important thing which is often overlooked are the tyres on the car.


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Fuel Tax to Rise in Autumn!!!

George Osbourne announced plans to increase the fuel duty last year and stated that this would be enforced on 1 January 2012, this was later deferred to 1 August 2012. The Chancellors announcement means this still stands, meaning fuel duty will increase by 3.02 pence per litre in Autumn.

With fuel prices increasing, as we all know, the price of everything goes up, and with today’s economic climate it is even more likely that it will take much longer to get the UK out of the financial mess it is currently in!

The AA’s president, Edmund King slammed the fuel duty announcement. He said: “At a time of record prices at the pumps the August increase in duty is a budget blow-out which will force drivers off the road and could bring a summer of discontent for many. Only last week the Prime Minister told American students that UK fuel prices would make them “faint”, yet the Government seems intent on inflicting more pain for no gain on drivers. Ironically such a hike in duty doesn’t necessarily help government finances as people will cut spending at the pumps and in shops, and it could fuel inflation.”

The cost of fuel currently is already at its highest point for many years, however the increase on fuel duty means that we are set for more increased costs to account for. With the cost of fuel increasing it will hit the car hire industry hard, but the everyday person too, as the cost of fuel increases the cost of food and basic amenities as the cost for delivery of products will rise.

It is always said, every penny counts. Now it seems every drop of fuel counts too!!!

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Changes of Road Regulations in France

New regulations are to take effect from July 1st 2012 that will mean all drivers on French roads are legally required to have a breathalyzer kit in the vehicle they are driving. This including visitors to the country!!

The current road safety law stipulate a driver must carry a fluorescent safety vest and warning triangle along with UK motorists already having to display a GB sticker. The breathalyzer will now also become part of the mandatory requirements.

The kits are expected to cost in the region of £2.00 and will be available from petrol and service stations in addition to ferry and transport terminals. Officials have suggested carrying at least two kits as drivers stopped multiple times within the same day would still be required to have the kit available. Fines are enforced by the authorities for failure to comply with the new regulations.

The legal limit for driving after drinking is 50mg per 100ml of blood. This is significantly less than the UK where the limit is 80mg.

Tips for driving in France
Speed Limits
Motorways 80mph (130KMH) or 68mph (110KMH) when wet
Open Roads Dual Carriageway with a central reservation 68mph (110KMH)
Or otherwise 55mph (90KMH)
Towns 31mph (50KMH)

Speed cameras are used heavily used throughout the country to deter speeding. In addition there are a number of government safe driving initiatives.
Alcohol Limit 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood

Mobile Phones The use of handheld phones is illegal and carries a fixed penalty fine (plus points on a French licence). The use of a hands free kit is legally allowed.
Seating It is compulsory for all passengers to wear seatbelts where fitted and all children must sit in a booster/child seat of the driver could face a fine. A child under the age of 6 months may sit in a child seat in the front of the vehicle.

Road tolls Charges are applicable to use that particular road. A ticket is collected from a kiosk machine at the start of the road and the fee paid at the end.
Parking Yellow lines mean absolutely no parking at any time
Parking is only allowed on one side of the street and signs will clearly indicate which side this is. Maximum stays can also be enforced.

Be careful for pay and display areas as they are common throughout the whole of France. Parking is usually free on weekends, bank holidays and after 19.00 on a weekday evening and prior to 09.00 the following morning.

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