The Car Smoking Ban Will Happen

There has been a lot of talk about it in recent years but the government have now stated that it will be a criminal offence to smoke in cars when children are present as passengers. It’s a step in the right direction, you may have seen the countless adverts on TV about smoking next to children with majority of second hand smoke not being visible to the eye, and this is just another statement from the MPs as they have voted in favour of an amendment to the Children and Families Bill in which it gives ministers the power to completely ban smoking when carrying children, it’s also expected that Wales will follow suite in the ban.

There are people that are obviously going to be annoyed at this but they don’t really have a leg to stand on, the health risks associated with smoking inside cars is high with it being somewhat of an enclosed area, researches have said that smoke can stay in the air for up to two and a half hours even if you open the windows further increasing the chance of cancer, infections, asthma and ear problems. This change has pleased many including the Shadow Public Health Minister Luciana Berger who referred to it as a “great victory”.

Just like predicted, the amendment has upset some people such as Simon Clark who is the director of smokers lobby group Forest, his belief is that the government should not be able to rule how people behave in Private. However when it comes to child safety how can you argue against the change?

There still could be a U Turn but it looks very unlikely, and sooner rather than later smoking will become illegal whilst being in cars with children. Another step in the right direction for anti-smoking campaigners.

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VW Campervan Production Halted

The famous and iconic VW Campervan is to become on for the classic collectors and with a lifetime that spanned over half a century Volkswagen have announced that they plan to stop its production. The best loved Volkswagen vehicle, the quirky campervan has come to an end. The last line of production was in Brazil and they have just recently announced that with the introduction of tougher safety regulations on the production process it had to end. (more…)

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The Most Expensive Place To Park

There are many cities that you may think it expensive to park your car like Orlando, New York or even Barcelona but the most expensive place you will find to park your car is London. The most expensive city for parking in the world with a massive £42 per day as an average cost is just ridiculous, other major cities that have high parking charges include Stockholm, Zurich and New York but they range from £28-32 a massive £10 cheaper, the only city that moderately even comes close to the cost of London is Tokyo at £38. (more…)

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Drink Driving – The Morning After

After having a few drinks on the night previous you may have to get in your car early in the morning, the issue with this as many people have found out is that you may still be over the legal drink driving limit. It is very hard to tell in the morning if you still have alcohol in your system with research showing that 56% of drivers having no idea whether or not they would be safe to drive the next day after consuming alcohol the previous night. Worryingly there are so many people that don’t even consider the effects of Alcohol from the previous night on driving in the morning with one in ten 25 to 34 year olds thinking they would be fine to drive at 9am the next day. (more…)

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New Pothole App

If you live in England you will know that potholes are a serious issue, they damage your vehicle if you are a driver, are dangerous for cyclists and potentially even life threatening for motorcyclists. There have been many petitions and pleas for councils especially of small rural towns to get these fixed and there has been for years, finally government funded has pointed somewhat in a positive direction for road users as they have put money into funding a smartphone app. (more…)

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Standard Road Signs Destined For UK?

Standard Road Signs Destined For UK?There is consideration over a proposal that the UK should adopt the European road signs although some of our road signs are a bit strange, that’s not the reason for the change. The reason for the change is that new cars will feature a camera that scans the road ahead for signs, it takes into account the shape, colours and fonts in order to display the road sign on your dashboard. Some of today’s cars already have this technology however if we adopted the standard road signs a lot more vehicles would be able to have it as it would be much easier to develop a system which is reliable. (more…)

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How to Help Your Child Prepare For Their Driving Test

Though there are many stressful aspects of parenting teenagers, one of the most stressful issues is preparing your teenager for his or her first driving test. Studying for the written test can be incredibly stressful for a teen, especially since the material is incredibly dry, and the pressures of studying for school exams often complicate the situation. The driving test is also a big stressor for teens and their parents, and it requires an intensive amount of preparation over time. Though frustration and negativity are virtually unavoidable parts of the process of learning to drive, maintaining a positive attitude with your child and offering sound advice and support can make all the difference to their successful examination. (more…)

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Mobile Phone And Sat Nav Betrayal

Your mobile phones and sat nav’s may be telling tales on you to the highway agency or so the telegraph reports. It’s not in the way you may think however, it’s not tracking your speed or careless driving its more tracking your movements. A sat-nav gathers information off you for two reasons, its needed firstly to monitor the flow of the traffic so it can then re adjust your route depending on what traffic you face in order to try take detours and avoid the traffic and ultimately get you to your destination much quicker. The second reason is to monitor the amount of traffic flow each day on a particular roads thereforethey can very accurately tell when it may be in need to maintenance which may be caused by continual use. (more…)

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Are Expats And Travellers Ambassadors For Peace Between Nations?

International Peace Day takes place later this month on September 21st, with numerous events scheduled to promote peace all across the globe. Learning of this event for the first time got me thinking about peace and international relations in regards to the expat and travelling communities, are expats responsible for promoting peace and goodwill between nations? Do they take on the role of foreign ambassadors in their new home country, breaking down stereotypes and bringing the world closer to true intercontinental understanding? (more…)

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UK Sees Traffic Volume Increase

Throughout the country the department of transport figures have suggested that the volume of traffic has increased. As an example figure in the second quarter of 2013 the total mileage that was covered by motorists rose by a large 2.9% which totals a figure of 76.8 billion miles covered. It’s not that large of an increase but its bumps the current trends as in the last five consecutive quarters the total mileage rise had actually decreased from 2007 onwards by 1.9%. Despite the amount of miles covered only going up by 2.9% the rise in traffic was up by a total of 6.1% on last year’s figure which is fairly more significant. (more…)

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