Illegally Issued Traffic Tickets

Over the UK there are thousands of tickets distributed yearly to those who break traffic laws most of which are caught on camera, those large yellow boxes of misery. A new BBC report however shows that between 2011 and 2013 there has been six thousand eight hundred and forty parking tickets illegally issued, how? Unauthorised cameras, some cameras on the road aren’t authorised yet can still result in you getting a fine, the amount totalled for these illegally issued traffic tickets was £350,000 a considerable amount. (more…)

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Newcastle Footballer Faces False ID Charges

No one can escape when it comes to traffic offences, Newcastle united star Cheick Tiote is facing charges after several accusations of driving related offences. One of which was a very serious offence of using a false identification document. The 27 year old Newcastle’s star midfielder could see a large fine or a lengthy prison sentence if found guilty which will surely affect his footballing career. (more…)

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BP 50p Car Wash Offer

BP 50p Car Wash OfferBP are kindly offering their registered online customers a premium car wash for just 50p, simply register on the BP website and 1,2,3 your car can be washed for just 50p, but is it that simple? The offer means that you can get different offers such as express wash (£3), Super wash (£6), Premium wash (£9) at just a small price of 50p although I don’t see why you wouldn’t go for the premium as they are all 50p no matter which was you go for. This isn’t what’s upset people however it’s a great offer from BP and it promotes their services as people are going to go out their way to travel to a BP station. (more…)

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Yorkshire Air Ambulance Reach Landmark

The heroes of the skies the Yorkshire air ambulance service have recorded their 5,000th rescue mission just this last Friday where they saved the musician Chris Parr who was airlifted to a local hospital after a head on collision road accident. Chris suffered fractured ribs, a fractured breast bone and a fractured knee when he was airlifted to Leeds General Infirmary (LGI). The only disappointing part of the Yorkshire air ambulance is the cost of running the service which totals £3.6 million per year, a hefty amount given that it’s funded by a charity. (more…)

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Public Transport Flu Fears Abolished

A regular train traveller myself I’m always worried about the hygiene with people constantly being ill in such a closed confined space it’s bound to have some sort of effect. The latest fear partially due to the weather recently is that of Flu, a survey was rolled out to 6,000 people from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine and the results found that aside from common belief public transport was no more likely to aid in you catching the flu than any other form of travel. (more…)

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Police Rush Passport To David Cameron

David Cameron has been hit by heavy criticism after his latest controversial stunt. The Prime Minister was set to go on a family holiday in Ibiza with his wife and their three children for a relaxing get away. This had already been criticised as the recent death of drummer Lee Rigby had sparked a scare many thought that at such a time the country needed the Prime Minister but David had a holiday in mind which could have easily been postponed. (more…)

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DVLA Sell “Private” Information

DVLA Sell The DVLA has been reported to make £21.8 million by selling information of drivers to parking enforcement companies. You may think because of technology now with CCTV and number plate recognition amongst several other technological advances that they can catch you if you break their parking rules but they still seek the purchase of information from the DVLA. This costs the company £2.50 for every person that they buy information for, giving information like name/address/age etc. (more…)

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Facebook reap huge profits from mobile advertising

There was fears that Facebook advertising would be unsuccessful due to the size of mobile screens not suiting well with the adverts on top of the already crammed in Facebook app, its evident these fears have been extinguished. The owners of Facebook have stated that 30% of its total advertising revenue which is at $1.25b, in the first quarter came from mobile devices. The ever expanding Facebook has seen massive increases every year since Mark Zuckerberg founded the company.

Founded as an idea of a social network for a university back in 2004 Facebook has managed to continue and change with the times making massive profits whilst doing so. In just a few short years earning billions of dollars and becoming one of the most used sites on the internet and still continuing to grow. One of their upgrading with the times idea was to include mobile advertising on their largely used Facebook app.

The thought of advertising on mobile devices came after they saw a huge increase of people accessing their website through the use of mobiles and tablets. Along with this rise Facebook also recorded a 8% increase in the use of their site since December. Facebook reap huge profits from mobile advertising of up to $375m in the first quarter however its not all silver lining as Facebook have massively increased its workforce which contributes to a 60% jump in the cost of wages and expenses totaling to $1.1bn in the first quarter.

Many were skeptical about how long Facebook could stay at the top of the game dominating the social media market, when Mark Zuckerberg saw many of its shares and Facebook began to increase their advertising despite this however the firm have kept up with the changing times and adapted more than adequately as it continues to profit.

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MasterCard and Visa undergo EU investigation

MasterCard and Visa undergo EU investigationAn investigation is to take place into MasterCard and Visa cards inter-banking fees. The problem came across when they found if a US tourist was to use one of these cards inside the EU the charges would be extremely high, much higher than those who live in the EU but are travelling to another country within the EU. The problem arises with MasterCard and Visa as well as other rival companies all trying to compete on their inter-banking charges. (more…)

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The Biggest Ever Internet Attack

In the past few weeks the internet has been subject to the biggest cyber-attack in history. A row surfaced some time back between a spam blocking company known as Spamhaus and a hosting firm named Cyberbunker. The row was caused when Spamhaus blocked several of the Cyberbunkers online servers considering them “spam” and almost as if a declaration of war Sven Olaf Khampuis spokesman for Cyberbunker has made a statement saying Spamhaus shouldn’t decide “what does and does not go on the internet”. This has caused massive revolt resulting in the biggest ever internet attack in history.

Five national cyber police forces are investigating the attacks in fear that the row could escalate through to the banking and email systems. The target of the attacks was Spamhaus’s Domain Names Systems (DNS) which is the server that joins domain names; the attack type is something called a DDoS or rather Distributed Denial of Service most likely one of the most common types of attacks across the internet.

What makes this attack so much different then?

Most websites have protection against DDoS attacks or at least most major ones do, the protection is able to withstand a certain amount of Gigabites per second (Gbps) and for an example usually email and internet servers have a DDoS protection of around 50Gbps which is usually more than any attack and is at the higher end of the protection scale.

The attack recently launched is peaking at 300Gbps almost 6x the usual high amount of defence, claimed to be able to take down government internet infrastructure. Yet surprisingly somehow Spamhaus are coping with the scale of the attack however it is coming at a cost with massively slowing down the internet on a worldwide scale as the DDoS attacks are clogging up most of the capable amount of traffic.

Spamhaus are the biggest DNS server around, if there defences are breached it could spell tragedy across the internet with billions of sites being affected and potentially brought down, if the attack continues the question is how long can Spamhaus’s defences last?

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