Car Insurance Men v Women

Two years ago it was ruled that car insurance companies were breaking the law, this was in regards to women getting an overall cheaper car insurance deal than men. Typically women would get rates far cheaper than that of men due to the fact they where seen as less likely to have an accident, this was seen by the ECJ (European Court of Justice) as discrimination against men and they consequently ruled in favour of changing the prices and ordered car hire companies to change their annual premiums to make them closer in price for both sexes. (more…)

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Fuel Price Wars

It is always a pertinent situation and one that we should all be paying attention to as the price of fuel at the pumps affects us all in many different ways. From the cost to fill up our cars, to the cost to get our food and clothing to the supermarkets to the cost of our mail getting delivered, fuel affects many different walks of life so it is always worthwhile to keep your ear to the ground when it comes to the price changes of fuel.

Four of the leading supermarkets in the UK announced a cut in their petrol prices ahead of the bank holiday weekend. Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Tesco have all made announcements informing us that they are dropping the cost per litre for their fuel. (more…)

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Manchester Airport Workers Strike

A strike of the work force has hit Manchester airport quite hard. One of the worlds largest cleaning company MITIE have voted in favour of strike action which has taken place this morning starting at 6am. You may think that cleaners aren’t an essential part of what goes on at Manchester airport but you would be wrong, millions of people pass through the airport on a yearly basis leaving behind a lot of mess without cleaners the system would begin to deteriorate as less and less people would use an “unclean” airport. (more…)

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Britain’s Top Airports

Surveys have taken place on many passengers across Britain to settle which airport is the best overall. You may be surprised to find the airports that have the most traffic aren’t necessarily the best with some of the top airports coming bottom of the list. There were many different questions given to regular passengers and then all the results were compiled to find the overall best and worst airports in Britain, so what airports received what rankings? (more…)

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Price Increase For London Airport Passengers

Earlier in the month there was an increase in the cost of flights at London airports due to the cost in Air Passenger Duty (ADP). This increase in price was met by unhappy customers as a price increase always is, but that wasn’t the end of it there has been a recent proposal that airports want to yet again increase their price they are charging airliners for using the three main London airports, Stansted, Gatwick and Heathrow. (more…)

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Tiredness can kill, Take a break

Tiredness can kill,take a breakYou may be shocked to find out that one in ten drivers within the UK admit that they have fallen asleep at one point in time behind the wheel. People are well aware of the dangers of falling asleep behind the wheel but many continue to do so with a staggering 43% of people saying they get less than the recommended seven to eight hours sleep a night but yet still get behind the wheel the next morning, one in four people also have said that they have felt drowsy enough to fall asleep behind the wheel. (more…)

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Bringing Lorries Up To Date

The requirements to do with the building guidelines of Lorries like length, width and design were set back 30 years ago when environmental issues and safety features weren’t thought about as much as they are today. Many things often change with the times and other cars and vans and other type of road vehicles that share the routes with Lorries are far superior in terms of safety features, this also comes with the recent ambitions of the times for improving environmental use as many charities and companies set up in order to cut down emissions not to add the introduction of hybrid vehicles and further low emission vehicles that we now see everyday on today’s roads.

Lorries today as we know it as extremely bad from an environmental point of view because well frankly a lorry’s shape resembles that of a brick, at best. Most of us will realise that bricks aren’t the most aerodynamic objects, this in mind the new design is set to be far more aerodynamic which will help everyone the lorry companies will cut their fuel bill, the environment will be cleaner because less fuel is used and it will see profit for the companies that are receiving the lorries haul as its a more cost efficient process. The new greener lorry of the future, all from just making the shape more aerodynamic seems all too simple.

As well as being more fuel efficient it will also make it a lot safer for other drivers on the road. Lorries as you can image if in the event of a collision cause severe damage and majority of the time deaths, the introduction in the new lorry of a large crumple zone will spread the force of impact across the front of a lorry giving smaller cars much more of a chance of coming away from the collision unfazed. On top of this the new regulations rules that will be set in place will require the windscreen on a lorry to be larger which will reduce the amount of accidents as windscreens on lorries today aren’t adequate for the size of the vehicle. These improvements could save hundreds of lives each year and also help the environment what could possibly go wrong?

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DVLA Check

If I am hiring a car will I need a DVLA check? The answers to this depend purely on one thing. If you don’t have a counterpart or second part of your licence then you will be required to have a DVLA check. This can be awkward because the DVLA only have certain hours of operation and you can often be left stuck if you don’t arrive at the hours that the DVLA check is meant to be taking place since for a DVLA check you must be present at the location when it is to take place due to data protection purposes. (more…)

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Manchester Airport Aim High

Manchester airport have set a goal during their summer schedule of 20 million passengers in the year. This goal comes after the introduction of 17 new destinations, in summer alone the Manchester airport expectations are extremely high with them suggesting that they will have up to 14 million passengers in this summer alone! They’ve also reached these figures due to the fact in year on year increase Manchester airport has seen a 4.5% increase on the traffic from 2012 to 2013, this is a massive increase in terms of airport passengers. (more…)

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DVLA Step up against insurance fraud

The new method put in place to fight the crime against car insurance fraud comes after AA spokesman has claimed that shockingly a quarter of people declare wrong information when they go to insure their car. Majority of the statistics seem to be pointing in the direction against fraud which is a good thing with a recent survey saying 92% of people think the new method against insurance fraud is a good idea. (more…)

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