Heathrow Terminal 5 Opens Business Doors

Heathrow airport opened their airport to passengers back in March 2008; it cost a total of £4 billion and took a long 19 years to complete. The airport terminal is currently the largest free standing building in the UK with how long it took and how much money it took it came as a surprise to many when they announce that the airport was to only be used exclusively by British airways as it didn’t seem as if that was a profitable option for Heathrow in order to pay off their 19 billion pounds it took to make the terminal. (more…)

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Travel Clot Awareness Campaign

Blood clots are rare during travel but it’s defiantly worth raising awareness as it still occurs in those who are at higher risk. Deep-vein thrombosis or Pulmonary embolism the medical name for the type of blood clot mostly caused by air travel is caused by being crammed into a small area without moving for a long period of time, the longer the flight the bigger the risk proposed the guideline is that after 4 hours you are at a much greater risk so its advised that you follow the necessary precautions in order to prevent such an event happening, There are several groups that run Travel clot awareness campaigns so follow their guidelines in order to prevent the chance of falling victim to a travel related blood clot. (more…)

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Stansted score triple

London’s Stansted airport has always been known as a great hub for low cost airliners around the world. The two airports that are of main competition for low cost airlines to Stansted are a rival English airport Luton and Berlin Schonefeld. The annual World airport awards has several awards and accolades for airports around the world including the best overall airport, the best terminal, most improved airport, worlds best domestic airport and many more. (more…)

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Gatwick get huge Easter boost

The cold chill appears to make British citizens want to flock the country to sunnier climbs, pointing out the obvious right? Well there seems to now be concrete proof into this statement with Gatwick seizing the benefits of the cold early Easter with Easter Sunday being the coldest Easter in the UK on record since records began in 1960 with temperatures dipping as low as -9.8C a ridiculous temperature for the last day in March. (more…)

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Airports dive into war over their “turf”

Manchester airport bosses have launched an advertising campaign in the form of posters in order to win back some of their passengers. One of their advertising campaigns portrays them as “the low-cost airport of the north” and the other is aimed to portray them as “the global gateway of northern England”. These adverts are controversial in themselves with seemingly being very close to aiming them at rival northern airports, let the war between airports begin. (more…)

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Cardiff airport new travel routes cause a stir

Cardiff airport new travel routes cause a stir
Cardiff airport was under Spanish ownership until recently whilst under this ownership the airport saw a massive slump of passengers with losing out on almost half it passengers from 2 million in 2007 to 1 million in 2012 which is a staggering loss for any airport. The underlining reason Cardiff airport saw rapid decline was due to the withdrawal of budget airlines from the airport causing there to be less flight routes around the world from Cardiff airport which of course leads to a decrease of customers. (more…)

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Heathrow Airport Proposed Plans To Expand

Many may be aware that Heathrow airport has proposed plans to expand the airport by increasing the amount of runways to a total of 4. This will increase flights to an estimated 860,000 per year; these plans of course don’t come without their controversy with many views opting for and against the proposal to expand the airports size. This has of course sparked huge debate as to whether the airports plans should be accepted or not. (more…)

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Road Tolls Destined for Britain?

The government have been said to be planning to build a tolling booth on the M4 motorway and it’s not a popular choice with the Britons. A staggering 70% of people are actually opposed to tolling the motorways, what makes us so different from our American counter parts they tax almost every road going! Possibly the underlining reason why we are so against it is the fact that the country on a whole are already paying £48 billion pounds worth of other motoring taxes that you are already required to pay. (more…)

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Manchester airport Evacuated

Manchester airport Evacuated On the 2nd April the busy Easter weekend, Manchester airport evacuated all its passengers and staff a like as it laid baron for 4 hours despite the bomb disposal unit and police of course being within, the closure caused about 10 flight delays to and from the airport in the time. Terminal 1 of Manchester airport was completely evacuated after there was a bomb scare from a baggage scanner after it flagged up a suspicious looking image. (more…)

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Is the black box listening in on my conversations?

Is the black box listening in on my conversations? The black box is considering being made a mandatory requirement in cars for new drivers but people are worried that it will record everything and limit their privacy within the comfort of their car. The black box in an airplane records all the movements, conversations between pilots and anything else that happens. So is the black box in cars a similar mistress as its airplane brother? (more…)

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