Scrapping the UK Border Agency

Scrapping the UK Border Agency? A good thing or bad? The home secretary has recently come out as a critic against the UK border agency with strong words claiming that “its performance was not good enough”. The border agency formed back in 2008 and since has been troubled and criticized by many, the scrapping of the UK border agency or UKBA for short has come after a committee warning that the UKBA would take up to 24 years to clear their work backlog. (more…)

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Moneycorp sign Gatwick deal

The currency provider company Moneycorp have just signed a deal with the owners of London’s Gatwick airport to become the only currency provider within the airport. They have secured this deal for the next five years. The plans for Moneycorp are to double their size of operation kicking big companies like Travelex out as of April 1st this year, this deal has come as big news to many let alone the competing companies. (more…)

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Shock in Cyprus

The news has hit Cyprus residents rather hard, a shock in Cyprus; they woke up the other morning in complete awe as they heard the news of what their countries plans where on how to bail the country out. Why you may ask it can’t be that serious? On Monday banks in Cyprus closed their ATMs from use of the public but that’s not the worse part, the plan is to take a levy.

A levy is basically to collect a tax off its residents; the banks plan to take up to 10% of people’s savings. People where manically queuing outside ATMs in anticipation that they will open, one frustrated man threatened a break in on a co-op bank with his bulldozer. This extreme measure comes after a £8.7b bailout was agreed. Many British expats currently reside within Cyprus and are seeking help from the EU with many claiming this is a form of “robbery”, strong words from the British.

The way this bailout is going to work is that if you currently have fewer than 100,000 euros get a one off levy of 6.75% of their current savings, those with over 100,000 euros will be hit with a whopping 9.9% one off levy of the amount currently within their account. A lot of people rely on their savings and have spent a good majority of their life’s trying to increase the amount they have in their thinking that their money was safe.

The government are taking the view that this is the last chance opportunity and that to bail the banks out rather than the country will help more in the long run. Whether this is the right or wrong opinion this is a severe measure and will affect many people in their overall quality of life.

Due to the devastating news we wish all our British expat customers the best of luck with their situation and every other Cypriot. The situation is a grave one and we wish all the best to anyone stuck in the situation.

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Pregnancy Seatbelt

The PiXie harness is the true name of the first ever pregnancy seatbelt. A British inventor by the name of Stephen Watson developed this pregnancy seatbelt at the University of Bolton; the reason for it is it’s meant to be safer than a normal seatbelt for an unborn child, an extra form of protection. Stephen has created this innovative idea for a reason, statistics according to a survey completed by a motor research company shows that 64% of woman who are pregnant believe that seatbelts are dangerous for their unborn child. On top of this a further 87% of pregnant women are currently not wearing their seatbelts correctly which is a staggeringly scary statistic. (more…)

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Cheltenham Races

The large spa town is a borough in Gloucester, amongst several festivals that the town hosts there is one that really attracts worldwide attention. This event is of course the Cheltenham Festival also known by its official title of National Hunt Meeting which takes part on the Cheltenham races. A horse racing event in which some of the best Irish and British horses take part, the event is particularly popular with the Irish as it usually takes part during the St. Patricks day holiday and has been going since 1860. (more…)

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Fuel for Thought?

As everyone has seen in the news fuel prices just continue to rise with the latest rise being up to 6p a litre, coming with this logically car manufacturers are trying to increase their economic footprint as it’s good for the environment as well as business. The target set for fuel economy was to half the consumption in all cars by 2030.

Since the year 2005 the average fuel consumption, according to a study carried out by Global Fuel Economy Initiative or GFEI for short, has shown that there has been an increase of light duty vehicles by 1.8% which is approximately an increase of around 32 mpg. This is some way off the estimated figure of about 3% needed per year in order to meet the targets set. Despite this the GFEI still believes that the goal is still a realistic one. (more…)

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Stansted Airport Sale

Stansted airport going once, going twice, sold to the gentleman at the back for £1.5b. The owners of Manchester airport the Manchester Airport Group or MAG for short currently also as well own East-Midlands airport and Bournemouth airport made a bid of £1.5b for the struggling Stansted airport which was accepted and finalised early last week, it came as no surprise that MAG would bid to buy Stansted as they had a failed bid to buy Gatwick early 2009. (more…)

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Young Driver Car Hire Antalya Airport

Another great offer has arisen for our customers, in particularly young driver car hire Antalya Airport. Young drivers that are under 25 often see an increased cost when they come to hire a car due to hiring companies not wanting to insure a young driver due to the stereotype of “boy and girl racers” being more dangerous on the road.


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MyKey Feature Could Reduce Insurance Costs For Young Drivers

United States Car Giant Ford is set to bring its’ new My Key Technology to the UK, much to the relief of many young drivers and their parents alike. The target market is aimed at those who have the tag of boy and girl racers.

My Key is designed to make Ford vehicles safer to drive and aims to help reduce the amount of fatal accidents involving young drivers under 25. The technology is aimed to give parents piece of mind as it allows parents to control the settings in the car via a master key.

So we ask what does this key do, what can I adjust and how will it keep our children safe?

Speed: Excessive speed caused more than 30% of all accidents in male drivers and 21% in female drivers under 25. The My Key system has a feature which allows the top speed of the vehicle to be limited to a set speed, depending on the setting warnings will sound at 70, 90 or 100kph.

Fuel: Parents will also be relieved to know that they will not have to be anxiously expecting a late night call from their stranded teenagers as the feature also provides early low-fuel warnings. Drivers are warned when they have 120km of fuel left in the vehicle.

Music: When teenagers play music they tend to play it quite loudly and this can often distract them from the job they should be concentrating on, driving. Unfortuantely for teenagers the MY Key function has the ability to limit the volume on the audio system, thus removing any unnecessary distractions, ensuring that the driver is being more concentrated on the job at hand.

Seatbelts: My Key also encourages the use of seat belts in vehicles. More often than not drivers will tend not to put their seatbelts on, or slip it over their shoulder, so it appears that they are wearing one to any passers-by. The system uses a reminder chime and mutes the audio system until all front seat passengers comply and stick their seatbelts on.

Personally Indigo believes that this is a very clever idea as in time this could reduce fatalities and bring down the insurance premiums for younger drivers, enabling them to driver safer, and in time they may also be able to go out and hire vehicles and not have to pay a fortune for young driver fees or extortionate insurance premiums.

Ford plans  to make the My Key system available to European drivers when it releases the brand new 13 plate ford fiesta and it aims to make the feature as standard on the vehicles. However all is not lost. 53% of parents who were surveyed by Ford said that they would give their teenagers more access to the family vehicle if these settings were applied.

We have no doubt that budding Michael and Michelle Schumacher’s out there will be rushing out to get the new Ford Fiesta!

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Debit Card Car Hire Orlando Airport

When you are travelling overseas you always want things to run as smoothly and as swiftly as possible.

On a recent visit to the states our Reservations Manager Cherie Walker travelled to Orlando Airport and found a few suppliers who were able to offer car hire with a debit card. It can often be a real pain trying to find a car rental company that does not accept debit cards, and often demand the use of a credit card and this isn’t just a problem in Orlando this is worldwide.

The last thing you want is to find yourself in a situation where you are trying to hire a vehicle at Orlando Airport and you do not have a credit card and then you are left stranded with no vehicle. This is where we come in. We have established a large network of suppliers based at Orlando International Airport whereby payment by credit card is not the only option. You can now get your debit card car hire Orlando Airport with ease when you book directly with Indigo.

To guarantee the use of your debit card at Orlando Airport please speak directly with our reservations team as there are a few restrictions in regards to which cards are accepted. If you book online there is no guarantee that you will be placed with a supplier that can accept your debit card because we have organised this offer especially with one particular supplier, so speak to us direct and our friendly and helpful reservations team will be more than happy to help and get you on your way with a hired car in Orlando, to explore and enjoy your holiday, car hire without a credit card doesn’t have to be hard just call Indigo Car Hire!

Call today on +44 (0)113 880 0748.

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