Changes For Young Drivers

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Many are aware of the rising prices of young drivers insurance as youths are seen as the least reliable on the road and its claimed that one in five accidents are involving a person between the ages of 17 – 24. This is the reason insurance prices are so high annually for those who are considered a young driver, insurance companies have always been looking at reducing this cost but its a hard task as safety needs to be improved in order for the insurance to decrease, this in mind there has been many suggested solutions but no concrete ideas that would lead to any major changes.

Now however there are new proposals that look like they could be given the go ahead, these bring in various restriction ideas for young drivers which could see insurance fall dramatically, however not all people are happy with the suggested restrictions. One of which was that young and inexperienced drivers shouldn’t be allowed to drive at night past a certain time which is yet to be discussed but could be around 10-11pm mark. A further one is imposing the limit to the amount of passengers they will be able to carry in their car also undecided, another one is that there will be no drink driving meaning you will not be allowed to drink at all when planning to drive if you are a young drivers.

There seems to be mixed messages going on here and many are annoyed with the restrictions that could be put in place. As an example the limit to passengers in a car is argued as less of a distraction to the driver which is yes true but what about all those campaigns about driving with as many passengers as possible to reduce fuel emissions? This rather contradicts what we are been told. The driving at night suggestion has also met some disagreement because many needs to travel at such a time and it can inconvenience people however it is likely to save lives and reduce accidents as its more dangerous to drive on a night.

So as always there are two sides to every story, is it worth reducing insurance for these inconveniences? What’s your opinion?

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