Classic Car Rally – St Gemma’s Hospice

The fantastic yearly event will be back in Leeds once again, the Classic Car Rally – St Gemma’s Hospice event. The popular classic car rally is hosted by St Gemma’s Hospice will take place on the 10th August at Kirkstall Abbey, Leeds with association from the Leeds MG & Classic Car Club, a brilliant day for enthusiasts all over Yorkshire. Hand in hand with the car show there will be awards for the best in show along with plenty of stalls, raffles, entertainment and refreshments which are available for everyone to purchase.

The entry for this great event is completely free although it’s always nice to give a small donation to St Gemma’s hospice, all proceeds that are raised through the stalls, entertainment etc will be given to St Gemma’s Hospice charity. If you own a classic car and want to enter the fun filled car rally then fill in the download entry form with a small donation to the hospice. Classic cars are becoming continually popular and we are hoping that many people will show up and give their support for both the hospice and the various cars that are on show.

If you are struggling to find Kirkstall Abbey it’s located just a few miles off of the Leeds City Centre on the A65 between Burley and Horsforth. Struggling to find it you can contact St Gemma’s hospice on 0113 218 5565 for directions. Take part in the guaranteed fantastic day and help a great charity whilst doing so, Indigo car hire have nominated St Gemma’s Hospice as our chosen charity, you can keep up to date with all the events and fundraisers we have towards raising money for the hospice.

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