Below is a list of the current driving regulations in force in Britain as we all know each country has different regulations and if you are unaware of the rules you may find you are breaking the law without even knowing.
Below is a summary of the basic rules of the road in UK.
Drive on the left-hand side of the road.
Always pass (overtake) on the outside (right) lane.
Do not block the middle lane if the inside lane is clear.
When approaching a roundabout, give priority to traffic approaching from the right, unless otherwise indicated.
You must always stop at a red traffic light.
At a junction there’s no general priority rule – priority is marked at most junctions.
All traffic signals and road signs must be obeyed.
All vehicles must give way to emergency services vehicles.
The use of a car horn is not permitted in built-up areas from 23:30 to 07:00 hours.
Do not drive in bus lanes during restricted hours. See signs by the side of the road for times.
It’s illegal to use a mobile phone when driving. If you need to make a call, find a safe place to stop first.
Seat belts must be worn by the driver and front seat passenger. Where rear seat belts have been fitted, they must also be worn.