Delays at UK Border control at Heathrow Airport
At Indigo Car Hire, one of our busiest locations in the UK to collect a Car Hire is of course London Heathrow Airport. With many long haul flights arriving 24 hours a day it is certainly a prime location for visitors arriving into the UK.
With the London 2012 Olympic games starting on 27th July, less than 50 days away now, there are growing concerns surrounding massive queues and delays at Heathrow Airport during the spectacular sporting events this summer in London.
We at Indigo have had many customers, who have arranged their car hire at Heathrow Airport, informing us of their anxieties surrounding these huge lines and massive delays. They have informed us that they are apprehensive that a normally routine journey through baggage claims and border control may now become an even more strenuous situation than normal.
Is there really reason enough reason for all of this concern this early on or is it just another situation just like the fuel crisis and panic buying from a few months ago? Well the UK Border patrol seems to think that there is cause for concern, they have stated that they will be increasing the number of staff at the border control in Heathrow Airport to make the flow of passengers smooth, safe and less problematic.
Some people are saying that the Olympics is just the catalyst which has made the Border Agency and the airlines aware of a situation that has been going on for many years previously. Personally we at Indigo believe that although delays are often unavoidable, they could maybe be handled a little better, whether this be by employing more staff at the Border Agency, like they have planned to do during the Olympic period, or alternatively arrange a better and more efficient way to deal with a large events.
One of the worst things that can happen when you have just got off of a long flight and it turns out that you end up waiting for an eternity trying to get through customs. The last thing you need is to be waiting around for your car hire as well which is why at Indigo, we always ensure that things go smoothly and are problem free. This is and always has been of great importance to both Indigo and our customers.