Drink Driving – The Morning After
After having a few drinks on the night previous you may have to get in your car early in the morning, the issue with this as many people have found out is that you may still be over the legal drink driving limit. It is very hard to tell in the morning if you still have alcohol in your system with research showing that 56% of drivers having no idea whether or not they would be safe to drive the next day after consuming alcohol the previous night. Worryingly there are so many people that don’t even consider the effects of Alcohol from the previous night on driving in the morning with one in ten 25 to 34 year olds thinking they would be fine to drive at 9am the next day.
21,000 drivers where surveyed, 56% of which said they had no idea if they would be safe to drive the next day, this is worrying as its more often than not that if you are waking up early you will still be well over the limit. In 2012 there was 280 people killed in drink driving accidents, it’s simply not worth the risk, therefore the advice rather predictably is that if you know you will have to make a journey in the morning to avoid drinking all together or keep it to a minimum.
Drink driving convictions can seriously affect your life, they can see you banned from driving for a year which can then result in not being able to find work or commute to your current job causing a spiral effect. As well as that, you won’t be able to hire a car for up to 5 years after your conviction! So if you are planning a holiday you may have to think again, or on the other hand just don’t risk it at all and don’t drive until you feel completely yourself protecting yourself from a potential accident and other drivers on the road.