DVLA Step up against insurance fraud
The new method put in place to fight the crime against car insurance fraud comes after AA spokesman has claimed that shockingly a quarter of people declare wrong information when they go to insure their car. Majority of the statistics seem to be pointing in the direction against fraud which is a good thing with a recent survey saying 92% of people think the new method against insurance fraud is a good idea.
The way in which the DVLA are planning to decrease the amount of insurance fraud is by letting several insurance companies cross reference with their database in order to check if all the necessary declared information is correct. The common incorrect declarations are mostly for age and driving experience however there are also some that are worse such as not declaring previous driving convictions and bans which could mean that people out there are insured and they are a danger to other drivers. This method has received a warm welcome from majority of the public like mentioned previous however there are always some that oppose the views but in this case it seems to a minority.
22% of people say they would object to their data being given to insurers which is a minority amount; however the controversial statistic is that 64% of people surveyed worry that their data could be used for other purposes. This statistic is worrying because it’s a majority and could see an upset when the plans are set to go in place in 2014. Although it will reduce fraud the car hire companies get all your details in exchange without you being given the option of opting out which is where the controversy sets in.
As always there are mixed opinions but what are your views to the DVLA cross references with insurance companies? Do the pros outweigh the cons?
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