European Austerity Measures Causes 24 Hour Strike

A 24 hour strike has been called in Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy due to austerity measures that have seen wages, pensions, benefits and social services cut. This is all due to governments such as Spain and Greece having large debts with banks and other countries. Cuts have been agreed by governments in exchange for money to bail out countries.

Strikes are also planned in countries such as Belgium, Germany and France; however the debts in these countries are far less than in Spain, where unemployment is currently at 25%, the highest rate in the EU, with Greece coming in close second.

There have been outbreaks of violence with 32 people arrested and 15 others treated for minor injuries. The strike has delayed many flights and trains, with the transport in Lisbon reported as being at a virtual standstill. The foreign & Commonwealth office is advising all travellers to check for any delays or cancellations before making their way to the airport, and to allow extra time for travel.

If you have a car hire booked for today or tomorrow and your delayed due to these strikes then speak with our team today and we will ensure that we can amend your car rental reservation.

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