Family Friendly Christmas Travel With Heathrow Airport

Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for the Travel industry with millions of people travelling all over the world to spend time with Family and Friends with many of them using flights to get to their destination. Heathrow Airport alone sees over 3.5 million passengers go through their doors between mid December and the start of January. That’s over 180,000 people a day!

These huge numbers of passengers, all travelling within such a short period of time, not only take a toll on our transport infrastructure but can also be quite stressful for travellers, particularly those with young children in tow. Fortunately this year, Heathrow Airport have launched a number of initiatives to make passing through their gates this year that bit easier. Some of the services being offered include the following:

  • Free Christmas cards with postage anywhere in the world. Great if you are the kind of person who always forgets to send them until the last minute!
  • Family car parking bays with extra space and located close to airport transport links.
  • Pre-flight play areas for Children in all terminals. Additionally, there will be offers for kids to eat free in a number of restaraunts accross all the terminals.
  • Extra staff to offer assistance to travellers. These staff will also be carrying sweets and sticker books to help keep children entertained.

There are many other services that the airport is offering over the next few weeks and you can find more details on their Family Friendly Press Release.

* Update. I have just seen this great site Heathrow Airport have created where you can much more information on their Christmas Extras!

It is really great to see the worlds busiest international airport going to such lengths to try and improve the experience for their customers over Christmas and we hope everyone flying into or our of Heathrow has a great journey and a great Christmas!

If you are flying into Heathrow this Christmas and haven’t yet arranged car hire then now is a great time to do so. We hope to try and do our part in relieving the stress of travelling over the festive period by finding the best deals from the most reliable suppliers to ensure that your journey goes smoothly!

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