Amending My Booking

Amending My Booking

If you are already have a vehicle booked in with Indigo Car Hire and you need to amend or cancel your reservation then you can arrange this with us both on the website or over the telephone. Please find some more frequently asked questions about amendments and cancellations below.

Can I Amend My Booking?

Bookings can be amended yes, but this does depend on how the vehicle was booked and when it is due to be collected.

Is There A Charge To Amending My Booking?

We do not charge fee’s to make amendments to bookings, but if the amendment means a different car is being booked or the dates of hire are being changed then this may well increase the cost of the hire.

Can I Cancel My Booking?

Yes, bookings can be cancelled with us via email or over the phone. Each supplier has a different cancellation procedure, so please make yourself aware of this procedure before booking a vehicle.

Will I Be Charged For Cancelling My Booking?

This will depend on how you made your booking, when it was made and which company is supplying the vehicle. All cancellation procedures are outlined in the terms before a booking is made. So please make yourself aware of this to avoid any confusion.

If you have a further query about this then please contact us by phone, email or our new online chat function at the bottom of the page and we will be happy to help.