Proof Of Address
When you come to hire a car a proof of address is often required, a proof of address is only required if you are living within the country you are hiring your car in however you may be asked to produce the return flight ticket. A proof of address is essential as basically a peace of mind for the company renting the car to you.
When you approve an address it means you are tied to that address so they have the details that they need in order to ensure that you don’t either damage the vehicle and refuse to pay or run off with the vehicle, not saying you would it’s just a precaution!
What Qualifies As A Proof Of Address?
Have you been asked for a proof of address but don’t quite know what qualifies? It can be quite confusing at times so If you are unsure you could always give us a call but a lot of things count as proofs of address such as…..
Accepted – All letters must be dated within the last 12 weeks.
Bank Statement
Credit Card Statement
Utility Bill – Gas, Water, Electric etc (council tax bills also accepted)
Inland Revenue Statement
Some Lenient suppliers also accept
Letter from employer
Wage Slip
Car insurance documents
TV Licence
Letter from DVLA
Social Security Letter
Military ID
Tachograph Licence
Not Accepted –
Letter from others (friends/family etc)
Court Letters
A Letter from the DVLA is not accepted if it is issuing you with points.
If you have any questions about the proof of address needed to hire a car then you can always call us directly and tell us the proof of address you have in order to see if it’s accepted by the supplier. If not we will try help you work round it the best as possible.