The Five Countries That Are Hardest For Travelers To Visit

There are countries all around the world that are more than happy to allow travelers into their borders for a few days or a few weeks at a time. Some countries even maintain agreements that allow citizens of friendly nations to visit without much paperwork. Some other countries, however, make the process of visiting very difficult. These countries sometimes turn away all but a handful of travellers every year for reasons that are not always clear. Five countries are notoriously difficult to visit.

Bhutan is filled with Buddhist temples, ancient sculptures and mist-covered mountains with breathtaking views. Although Bhutan changed the structure of the government a few years ago, it still remains a very difficult place to visit. Anyone who wants to see the rural areas of Bhutan or spend time exploring the culture in major cities can only enter the country with an official guide. Additionally, the country requires any visitors to pay for everything in advance before being allowed into the country. Some guides will allow visitors time to walk around large cities alone. Most will not.

Russia is full of attractions from hot springs to the unique architecture in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Russia is also the largest country in the world based on total land area. It is possible to see nearly every type of terrain within the country. Unfortunately, Russia is also a very tightly regulated country with strict paperwork requirements for travelers. Long visits require an invitation from the country or the help of an immigration lawyer to get the right documents. Officials in certain areas will check traveling papers regularly. This makes Russia difficult to visit for any length of time especially if the paperwork suddenly needs to be re-submitted for no apparent reason.

Eritrea has a long history that has left the country with a unique collection of different cultures all living together. This long history has also filled the country with an amazing amalgam of different architectural styles and monuments. Eritrea is not overly friendly to travelers. The country remains on guard at all times. Eritrea regularly denies requests for entry based on nothing at all or on unfounded suspicions. Additionally, it can take up to three months just to get a response to a request.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia contains historic villages, ancient religious monuments and large urban centers containing all of the latest technology. It is an interesting place to visit especially to see some of the desert scenery. Saudi Arabia is also a country of strict rules. The country denies permission to travelers regularly simply because there is no perceived benefit in allowing people visit. Women cannot enter the country unless a male family member is present. Travelers cannot do much to affect the process in Saudi Arabia. People who have pre-paid for a large vacation package in Saudi Arabia are more likely to be allowed into the country.

Angola has a distinctive culture and a large number of natural attractions like waterfalls and colorful red cliffs. The country is defensive about the borders mostly because unemployed people from the surrounding countries and even Europe attempt to come in to take advantage of the oil economy. Angola scrutinizes every application. Many are rejected for bureaucratic reasons. An immigration lawyer can often speed up the process or deal with problems very efficiently. Getting a response from officials can take months.

This post comes from Hunt Migration, who can assist you with gaining a visa to enter and stay in Australia.

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