Fuel for Thought?
As everyone has seen in the news fuel prices just continue to rise with the latest rise being up to 6p a litre, coming with this logically car manufacturers are trying to increase their economic footprint as it’s good for the environment as well as business. The target set for fuel economy was to half the consumption in all cars by 2030.
Since the year 2005 the average fuel consumption, according to a study carried out by Global Fuel Economy Initiative or GFEI for short, has shown that there has been an increase of light duty vehicles by 1.8% which is approximately an increase of around 32 mpg. This is some way off the estimated figure of about 3% needed per year in order to meet the targets set. Despite this the GFEI still believes that the goal is still a realistic one.
The figures show the opposite, it is an increase however which is always good but it is no were near the increase needed to meet the guidelines set. The worry isn’t so much the countries that the GFEI are operating within as they are making sufficient improvements it’s more of a worry for countries that are outside of the GFEIs guideline zone making it hard to push for any improvements.
5 Ways to avoid using too much fuel.
1. Driving too fast – The faster you drive the more fuel your car will consume eventually racking up your fuel bill.
2. Braking too often – The more you brake the more fuel you use. If braking isn’t necessary then avoid it.
3. Not maintaining your car- Things such as changing the air filter and various things can increase your fuel efficiency, if not maintained properly it can rapidly decrease.
4. Low tyre pressure- Dangerous as well as costing you money if your tyre pressure is low it decreases your average miles per gallon dramatically.
5. Air conditioning- its well-known air conditioning uses more power which equals more fuel, so if you don’t need it just unwind your windows rather than increase your fuel consumption.