Fuel tanker strike threatens fuel shortage over Easter!
Unite Members belonging to five companies, namely Tesco, Sainsbury’s, BP, Shell and Esso have all voted for strike action over working conditions and pensions. Although no date has yet been set for a strike many people are still worrying that there will be no fuel available for when they need it, this is the reason why everyone is running around in a mad frenzy.
During my driving time I have experienced this kind of situation a few times now. Back in winter we had the same situation with food, because there was a light flurry of snow everyone rushed out to get bread, milk and basic essentials in case their food could not reach the shops. This time it is all over fuel and industrial action again.
I personally believe that the actions following any mention of a strike are pointless as every time people go on a mad rush to obtain something like fuel, it causes massive uproar and eventually nothing comes of the strike. If the tanker drivers were to go on strike it would not be the end of the world, we have come through fuel strikes before and no doubt we will do in the future.
Indigo Car Hire manager Cherie Walker believes that “instead of panic buying, people should be more careful with how they use their petrol.”
Another concern that myself and Cherie have is the fact that people are being advised to store petrol in jerry cans in their homes and garages. This is a huge concern as any naked flame that goes anywhere near those jerry cans then this can cause a massive explosion, which is a serious risk to people’s welfare and property. I would like to advise people not to store large amount of petrol or diesel in their homes for the aforementioned reason.
There is no reason to stockpile fuel in large quantities as there will always be a large supply for a long time to come yet. What I would like to advise people is to prepare yourselves for the future and most importantly, do not panic!