Fuel Tax to Rise in Autumn!!!

George Osbourne announced plans to increase the fuel duty last year and stated that this would be enforced on 1 January 2012, this was later deferred to 1 August 2012. The Chancellors announcement means this still stands, meaning fuel duty will increase by 3.02 pence per litre in Autumn.

With fuel prices increasing, as we all know, the price of everything goes up, and with today’s economic climate it is even more likely that it will take much longer to get the UK out of the financial mess it is currently in!

The AA’s president, Edmund King slammed the fuel duty announcement. He said: “At a time of record prices at the pumps the August increase in duty is a budget blow-out which will force drivers off the road and could bring a summer of discontent for many. Only last week the Prime Minister told American students that UK fuel prices would make them “faint”, yet the Government seems intent on inflicting more pain for no gain on drivers. Ironically such a hike in duty doesn’t necessarily help government finances as people will cut spending at the pumps and in shops, and it could fuel inflation.”

The cost of fuel currently is already at its highest point for many years, however the increase on fuel duty means that we are set for more increased costs to account for. With the cost of fuel increasing it will hit the car hire industry hard, but the everyday person too, as the cost of fuel increases the cost of food and basic amenities as the cost for delivery of products will rise.

It is always said, every penny counts. Now it seems every drop of fuel counts too!!!

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