Green Vehicles Escape Congestion Charge

Following a 12 week meeting London’s own basketball legend and mayor Boris Johnson has confirmed proposals in regards to changes in the terms of the congestion charge scheme. London’s congestion scheme is aimed at reducing traffic by charging drivers that are travelling through London a daily fee which they have to pay, or if they are a regular London goer they can pay it monthly or yearly and recently there had been a 12 week meeting where Boris heard from the views of local people who live within London, Local businesses and key stakeholders their eventual conclusion that they decided upon their needing to be a change in the rules.

Currently if low emission vehicles and electric vehicles travel through London they receive a discount but this rule replaces the old one and it deems that cars with very low admissions get a Ultra Low Emission Discount (ULED). Cars that qualify for this discount are pure electric vehicles, vehicles that emit less than 75g/km of CO2 and vehicles that meet the Euro 5 emission standards, these will all receive a 100% discount which is a lot more compared to the old discount. The issue with this is that some vehicles that previously received a discount no longer will due to this overwriting the old law.

Boris is hoping that these changes will prompt more people to get a greener vehicle so the city has a lower carbon footprint. Despite this many drivers are left annoyed as the last change they purchased low emission vehicles and are now left out in the dark as they won’t receive the discount that they had initially bought the vehicle for, and is this fair? as those drivers are still doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint, it all just seems to be turning into a carbon footprint reduction war which I suppose the environment is quite enjoying.

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