Heathrow Airport Proposed Plans To Expand
Many may be aware that Heathrow airport has proposed plans to expand the airport by increasing the amount of runways to a total of 4. This will increase flights to an estimated 860,000 per year; these plans of course don’t come without their controversy with many views opting for and against the proposal to expand the airports size. This has of course sparked huge debate as to whether the airports plans should be accepted or not.
The introduction of two more run ways will almost double the amount of aircraft movements to and from Heathrow. The predicted figure of 860,000 aircraft movements per year is a figure that would keep up with its main competition airports like Schiphol airport and Main airport, the addition of two run ways is seen to be a quick fix way to expand the airport. This would no doubt also increase local economy with the ability to increase the amount of routes around the world and expand on locations that they already have flights to and from.
It doesn’t look all that bad, what are the cons?
Well the long list of people objecting the plans have varied reasoning as to why they don’t want the expansion to go ahead. One of the main opposing views is due to the trajectory in which the planes will land on the runway it will create a much louder noise across the south-east of London. There are also of course the environmental factors that are involved with the increased amount of planes and on top of these two largely supported views there is also a few that believe the expansion would be more useful in airport such as Stansted or Gatwick as they are in much more deprived areas than those that surround Heathrow.
The views are split but it’s still an expansion to aviation within the UK so overall it can’t be that negative of suggestion. There is no questioning that it will increase the local economy within the Heathrow area.