How Reliant Are You On Your Car?
How Reliant Are You On Your Car? Research has suggest that now a record number of people are relying on their car or van to get them to work with 16.7 million workers in England and Wales making their way to their offices by either driving themselves or catching a lift. This accounts for a staggering 62.7% of employed people between the ages of 16-74. Wales has the most reliant figure of 74.2% whereas in contrast in London that goes down all the way to 29.8%.
People who tend to commute by car are generally in more rural areas which is understandable as transport links are minimal, however in large cities such as London people use alternative methods to get to work.
Many people are calling for something to be done by local councils as the cost of running a car has outstripped wage inflation which could potentially put people off taking up employment as the commute could just be unaffordable. This is highlighted in the research that shows some of the poorest car owning households spend more than a quarter of their wage on buying and running a vehicle.
As the dependency of cars goes on the increase as many find their car essential for getting to work then it’s also worth lining up a backup plan if possible.
The winter weather is soon about to hit the UK and apparently we are to experience heavy storms, this will increase your chance of a break down and we have few tips for those who are dependent on their cars over this winter period.
1. Always carry in your car a AA Car Essentials Winter Car Kit with Folding Snow Shovel
2. Keep a note of breakdown companies and get your vehicle covered by them, however be aware that it could take a while for them to reach you as they have a massive increased amount of calls.
3. Hire a 4×4 car can tackle the harsh conditions much easier and it may be worth considering hiring one in order to get around if the forecast is bleak.
4. Keep previsions in your car such as a warm blanket, some long lasting food.
5. Make sure your car has winter tyres and snow chains.
Please be careful this winter as the dependency on cars increases so will the traffic and overall accidents on the road this winter, Stay Safe!