How To Rent A Car Without Drivers Licence
You pack your bags, set off for holiday, get on the plane and soon realise, oh no I have forgot my driver’s licence! Whether this is the case or it’s just a factor of you have lost your licence this can be a real problem when it comes to hiring a car as obviously rental companies require that you have a drivers licence to produce to them when you pick up the rental, just so they know that you are eligible to drive.
Don’t panic however there is a solution, when at the desk preparing to pick up your rental car and you don’t have your licence then all you need to have is another photographic identification like a passport. Once you produce the passport they will run what is called a DVLA check in which the car rental company ring up the DVLA to find out if your details match the system so that they can approve you for the rental, this is a premium rate number however and you will be charged £5-10 but to get out of a crisis situation it is more than worth doing.
Please bear in mind however the DVLA have opening hours so you can only check your licence at these times and if your rental is in another time slot then you will need to reorganise it, Indigo will help you amend the booking if you have booked with us but please call us as soon as you have realised the issue.
The opening hours of the DVLA are:
Monday – Friday: 8:00am-7:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 8:00am-2:00pm
It’s very important that if you have lost your licence that you book within these hours or it can cause a lot of issues.
To answer the question in short, can I rent a car If I have lost my driver’s licence? Yes you most certainly can and there is no need for a rental car temporary licence to do so all you have to do is be within the opening hours of the DVLA or amend your booking with the car hire company you have booked with.
Do you have any more queries on how to rent a car without drivers licence? We are always ready for any question you throw at us so please call us on +44 (0)113 880 0748 or email us on and we will be here ready to help you.