Illegally Issued Traffic Tickets

Over the UK there are thousands of tickets distributed yearly to those who break traffic laws most of which are caught on camera, those large yellow boxes of misery. A new BBC report however shows that between 2011 and 2013 there has been six thousand eight hundred and forty parking tickets illegally issued, how? Unauthorised cameras, some cameras on the road aren’t authorised yet can still result in you getting a fine, the amount totalled for these illegally issued traffic tickets was £350,000 a considerable amount.

The blame has fallen to London Newham Council, and they seem to have at least done something about it however it’s not satisfied those who have received a previous parking offence of the council. London Newham Council have written off a total of £347,376 in tickets that where unpaid which admittedly is a start, however those who paid their ticket early will not be receiving any form of refund which is absurd, it’s punishing those who have paid their fine on time which is what you are informed to do.

An internal review into the cameras London Newham Council possess has taken place and its shown that in June 2013 a total of 169 cameras where run by the council and it found that 12 of those cameras were not fully certified and tickets issued by those cameras will be cancelled or tickets that are still due to be paid however. The London council have admitted to their error however are still failing to claim full responsibility for the issue and pay the full amount of money they owe to those who have received the fake fines. These fines have made quite a large of money for the council so it comes as no surprise they are weaselling their way out of making the full payment to the people it is owed.

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