Keep Motoring Costs Low

We realise that people often use car hire as an in between, a temporary solution for when your car breaks down until you make the transition of buying a new one. Therefore we feel it’s important to convey a bit of advice for our customers who are in the market for a new vehicle, new cars are one of a few very big purchases we make in our lives and it’s integral that you make the right choice when picking your vehicle. So what car do you go for when buying a new vehicle?

In recent years people have had to watch their budgets a lot more so than in previous times, so it’s important that you account for a few factors in order to keep motoring costs low. So what is it you should consider?

Insurance Group
Be aware of the insurance group of the car or you may be in for a nasty fee, if you are wanting to save money you should be aiming towards a 1-5 insurance group which you will usually be able to achieve with buying a smaller vehicle 1.0-1.4. There are also other things that bring your insurance down such as having adequate safety features like alarms.

One of the cheapest cars to insure for example is the new model Ford Ka. It’s worth doing a fair bit of research to find out the best model suitable for you.

Pass Plus Course
An optional course you can take after passing your driving test, it teaches you to drive on your own and it can reduce premiums on some occasions upon successfully completing the course. However this can be expensive to take in its self and you still have a chance of failing the course, so it may not be the best option.

The cost of taxing your vehicle can fluctuate depending on its emissions, which also directly relates to the engine size.

As long as your vehicle is registered after 1st March 2001 it will be given a tax band, A to M which is based on emissions, the further the letter in the alphabet the higher the cost. Tax band A does not have to pay for Tax as it has emissions below 100 g/km.

For cars that are registered before the 1st March 2001 those under 1549cc have the 12month rate of £140.00 and those over £225.00.

Other Methods
It may be extreme but moving somewhere with lower crime levels also will decrease the cost of your insurance. You could also commit to driving a lower annual mileage as this will also give you some extra saving.

Oh and don’t worry about the car hire in between as we will always fix you up the best price possible no matter what!

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