London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks Tickets Now Available

Car Hire London

A limited number of early release tickets for the mayor of London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks celebrations will be made available in June.

The formerly free event saw ticketing introduced last year to curtail rapidly growing crowds.

People, from anywhere in the UK or abroad, will be able to book tickets, guaranteeing themselves good views of the fantastic pyrotechnic display and a better visitor experience.

The early release of tickets will be available to the public from midday UK time on June 19th at £10 per person, which covers printing, infrastructure and other costs associated with ticketing.

The main batch of tickets will be released in September.

Outgoing mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “We are planning another stunning display to celebrate New Year and showcase London around the world.

“As in 2014 you will need a ticket, as part of our efforts to ensure the event is as safe as possible, but even if you do not have one there will be plenty of fantastic celebrations going on across the capital to help non-ticketholders bring in 2016 with a bang.

“London is a special place at the turn of the year, the city is lit up and there is a sense of optimism for the year ahead.

“If you can’t get a ticket to attend the fireworks there are many other amazing events and experiences to enjoy, as long as visitors plan ahead and book in advance.”

Ticketing for London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks was brought in for the first time last year to help manage ever increasing crowd numbers heading into central London for the spectacular annual celebration.

The aim was to reduce numbers to help ensure its long term sustainability as a safe and enjoyable event.

As well as being enjoyed by revellers in the viewing areas, the internationally acclaimed display is watched by millions on television and helps promote London around the world.

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