Low-Level Traffic Offences See Changes

Low-level traffic offences can often take longer for the police to complete than the larger scale traffic offences. Taking a longer time to complete wastes a lot of the police’s valuable time could use to be tackling major traffic offences and this is a big issue with most traffic offences being low profile cases. This method has been reviewed and there is set to be changes in the way traffic offences are to be dealt with in the near future.

There are around half a million speeding, document and traffic light offences across the UK every year taking up several hours of police time that could be used far more effectively on catching higher profile criminals. Although they are considered low profile they still need to be dealt with as insuring road safety is a must which is why these offences can’t just be thrown to one side, many have tried to look into providing a better system that deals with the cases as justly and efficiently as possible yet with much faster results and until now there had been no real solution.

Low profile cases on average take 6 months to complete; this is understandably far too long. The solution? Every area is set to have a low profile traffic offences court set up, these courts had been set up and tested in 9 different police forces around the UK with great success. The new courts can complete around an approximate 160 cases a day, the goal of the new system is to massively improve the backlog of traffic offences and keep up with the incoming cases by April 2014 which is where you will see the massive improvements come into place. All this is in the effort to catch higher profile cases and not let them slip through the justice system unscathed.

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