Lower Payouts For Crash Victims
Information has been revealed from confused.com that motorists who have old or damaged cars may not receive an extremely low amount of money from their insurers pay out. This comes because of a new set of guidelines which basically which emphasises that an insurer might be fully within its rights to not pay the total full cost of the repair. If you have a new car with no previous damage or issues you should be in the clear from these new guidelines however if you don’t then you may want to keep your car in as best nick as possible.
The way in which the insurers can get away with paying the full cost of the damage is almost criminal. The financial ombudsman service vote in favour of insurers in cases where the car is previously damaged, for instance if you have corrosion on the car before an incident and you go to get your car fixed expecting to be reimbursed by the insurer then this may not be the case, if for example you get billed a total of £2000 for that the insurer only have to pay a percentage since you had previous damage to the car and they will try and uncover and find everything possible to keep the cost for them low.
The Financial Ombudsman Service the people who have modified the guidelines are a state backed impartial body which is used to resolve issues between customers and a wide range of financial service companies with expertise in mortgages, credit cards, savings, stock shares and several more. They are the people you meet if you are an unsatisfied motorist and your insurer won’t do anything about this, you need to go to see the Financial Ombudsman Service who will then decide upon a reasonable course of action. The only flaw of this service is it can sometimes take more than a year and even then you may not win your case, although it is a free service and occasionally easier complaints take a lot less and can be solved within days or weeks.
Never the less you should always keep your car in good nick just in case of these new guidelines as you may not be getting the pay out that you think you deserve especially if you have an older vehicle.