MOT Test Information

The MOT test is designed to make sure your vehicle meets the minimum safety standards and environmental standards, this test is mostly carried out to ensure your safety and if your vehicle will be reliable. Your car needs its first MOT after 3 years of its registration; from then on it needs a yearly MOT.

Test centres are easily recognisable by their blue logo with three white triangles on the inside. When a test is carried out on your car, mechanics evaluate certain parts of the vehicle to see if it meets strict criteria and they issue you with a pass or a fail, in order to be legally allowed on the road your car must pass its MOT every year. If it fails it doesn’t deem your car unusable however there needs to be certain improvements like new parts or fixing certain parts in order for it to pass its test.

During the MOT test they check a wide variety of components on your vehicle. Whilst doing this they must not disassemble the car. They test for things like if the body work is free of excessive corrosion as sharp edges and parts may cause injury or different problems.

Another major part is the exhaust which must be environmentally safe and meet emission standards. There are also many other things they test whilst doing the MOT such as seatbelts, lights, breaks and fuel etc. Although they do quite extensive testing even if your vehicle passes it doesn’t mean it’s completely fault free there are a few things it doesn’t test such as clutch, gearbox or the condition of the engine.

This scheme is supervised by the government department named VOSA which is short for the vehicle & operators services agency; they overlook everything to do with the training required to setting the standards that have to be met. The fees for MOTs range dramatically from £29.75 for a motorbike to class 5a vehicle (more than 16 seats) costing £124.50, all types of vehicles must be tested and pass their MOT.

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