Motorists Without Seatbelts
Are you aware that a staggering 11% of people are guilty of not wearing their seatbelt whilst in a car? You may not think that this is a high amount and just pass it by, however you know the function of seat belts of course they save lives by preventing motorists from moving excessively during a crash. The safety charity also claim that a further 31% of motorists don’t wear three point harnesses, that may be a more realistic scary figure for you. If you aren’t wearing a seatbelt you don’t only risk your own life, if you’re a passenger in the back seat you can also risk the lives of the driver and passenger in front of you as you get propelled forward in a crash you may collide with them and cause a fatal injury.
These figures show that a small minority of people aren’t “buckling up” making it dangerous for them and fellow motorists. This promotes the wrong message to young children as seat belts are a necessity and are there for a reason, they save lives. Its not hard just to get in a car and put on a seat belt, they are highly effective and save hundreds of lives every year. At a slow 30 miles per hour in a crash you will be thrown thirty to sixty times your own body weight forward and if you aren’t wearing a seatbelt the chance of fatality is extremely high, but is significantly reduced if you are.
The car manufacturer Volvo originally came up with the three point seat belt back in the early 1950s and permitted its competitors immediately to copy its idea in order to save millions of lives. Seat belts have evolved since the fifties but the concept is still the same, with a few added safety features such as locking up when the brakes are hit and now it is likely that the new inflatable seat belt idea will hit the market very very soon which are hoped to show impressive results on the amount of fatalities in car crash related incidents.