New Drivers & Young Drivers

sixt young driver

We recently had someone on our live chat function ask whether they could hire a car at 21 years of age. We can hire to people who are 21 or older in most locations around the world; this usually involves a young driver additional fee though. There is however one significant issue with this, the driver who had enquired had only held their licence for a week prior to wanting to pick up the vehicle.

Although we have managed to arrange car hire in several locations for young drivers who are 21 the requirement is that you must have held your licence for a year prior to doing so. Another thing worth noting in regards to licence is that you can’t have over 6 points or any major convictions within the last 5 years.

The reason we ask for one years experience is simply that the suppliers insurance policies state this, it is similar a similar situation if you where wanting to buy a car with finance, some finance companies require you to be 21 with 1 years driving experience.

If you have held your licence for a year prior to picking up the vehicle and are 21 or above then we can arrange car hire in several locations. There is usually a young drivers fee on top of the rental amount however we have brilliant deals in certain locations where we can reduce this cost or even not charge it at all.

If you are a young driver aged 21 or older and are interested in getting a car then you will need to find out more details about your specific locations as the terms and conditions are different in certain places. If you want to found out all the information on car rental then please call our experienced and knowledgeable reservation agents on +44 (0)113 880 0748 or email us at, they will do all they can to find you the best terms and conditions to meet your needs as well as trying to find you the lowest price possible.

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