New UK Licence To Deter Fraud

The DVLA (Driving and Vehicle licensing agency) have announced that they are introducing a new photo card driving licence within the United Kingdom. Just like its predecessor it is also the size of a credit card so in terms of size it won’t change, the photocard licence contains a variety of information including the holders full name, date of birth, the vehicle types that the holder is entitled to drive and the period that the licence is valid as you have to renew your photo card every 10 years for identification reasons. Doesn’t seem like much is changing?

Well the changes are more to defer fraud, what they are doing is raising the picture of the licence holder by engraving several layers of the surface in order for it to become harder to replace the picture on a licence. It will be raised to the touch much like that of an embossed debit card, the picture won’t be able to be alter as easy as previous licences as trying to do so will damage the card deeming it invalid, driving licences are commonly forged which is obviously an issue the DVLA take very seriously and this is an attempt to tackle the problem head on, but will it work or will fraudsters find a way around it?

You can request for your licence to be changed to this and some motorists will just be sent the newly issued licence it will also be given to people who have had a change in circumstance like a move of address or change of name as well as those who have an expired licence. You are however not obliged to upgrade to this new card so don’t expect everyone to have it until all the current photo card licences expire.

The photocard was first introduced in 1998 and since has not had too many revisions, and this is going to be one of the major ones although it is sticking to the same format.

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