North Takes Car Crime Mantle
Its long been the impression that the worst place for car crime is Liverpool, however this has been proved wrong quite recently. The long running jokes about Liverpudlian’s and car crime may soon be wrong, car crime is a problem all over the world and particularly in the UK however where are the new worst effected places? Although car crime is a huge problem with new technology it is decreasing slowly as thieves are finding it hard to get away with their homemade tactics. a car crime website used freedom of information requests in order to get information and statistics on car crime, the available records broke down what cities where the worst in order of car crime offences per 10,000 vehicles. The worst effected city was Manchester which had 505 offences per the 10,000 vehicles. Manchester was followed just behind by Bradford and Leeds with 457 for Bradford and 420 for Leeds, just falling behind these statistics is London which is the only one on the list that is in the South and after which follows Sheffield then Newcastle and then finally Liverpool. The fact there is only one southern city on the list is quite rare as you would assume that places such as London with it being the capital would be much higher than that of Manchester.
The reason this data is so revealing is it is actually the first poll to use police force records and it has showed that the divide between North and South with car crime is completely evident.
Here are some little facts about car crime
• On average, a car is stolen or broken into once every 25 seconds
• A stolen car is 2000 times more likely to be involved in an accident than a legally owned one.
• Car crime costs Britain over £1 billion a year
• Less than 10% of valuables stolen from cars are ever recovered
• Most car offenders are between 17 and 25 years old and most of them started offending between the ages of 13 and 16
• Many young people are persuaded into car crime by their friends
• Car crime starts as theft and can lead to death
• Car theft makes up over 30% of all reported crime
• One quarter of stolen cars are never recovered.
Along with the recent statistics as expected there has been many warnings issued and various methods of preventing your car from getting stolen, with the latest technology and anti-theft devices getting increasingly better it’s just a matter of time before car companies beat the criminals however until then people still need to be away, its 30% of all crime! That’s a large figure and a majority of that is within the North.